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MCPE/Bedrock Bedrock's Better Adventures - Rustic Realms

Illustrious Member Admin

Bedrock's Better Adventures - Rustic Realms


Better Adventures Mod is an add-on which goal is to expand Minecraft’s world to make it seem less repetitive by adding many new biomes, variations to vanilla biomes, new cultures and people, structures, ruins, fixed structures and animals or even new bosses! It’s not fixated on realism but rather on fantasy, having also many powerful magical items and many creatures that are able to preform magic of some sort. Most of the biomes are also supposed to feel either very  (almost exaggeratedly) natural or, those who are controlled used by the monster or illagers, completely devastated, basically adding a great deal of fantasy romanticism to the game.

!IMPORTANT! However because of the current MCPE-100700 bug custom biome creators are right now having a huge problem. In conclusion the "bug" basically makes custom biomes to not generate in versions 1.18 or higher.


That’s why, if you want to experience this mod's custom biomes in their full glory, you have to use the downgraded world template (which is also downloaded with the mod) that generates a Minecraft world stuck in version 1.17.40 (last version this bug did not occur on). The mod is still playable also on normal worlds, with tons of new additions also to the vanilla Minecraft biomes, but you'll be missing out a great deal.


So, I would like to ask all of you who read this to vote for this issue on the report on the official website (link also in the downloads), so it gets resolved as fast as possible. Thank you for doing it (if you did so).

Founder: KZBMM

Twitter: @kz_mob

Instagram: @kzbmm_aus_mcpedl

Join our discord server! ( Link also in the dwonloads ).

Better Adventures add-on is a huge project focused on diversifying Minecraft with adding many more biomes and biome variants and along with those comes a great quantity of new trees, blocks, ores mobs and even new cultures!
I cannot go into extensive detail of everything here, otherwise you'd never finish reading this. Since this mod is about exploration, adventure and mystery I will leave you to figure it out (or you can join our discord with the complete documentation to the mod).

Many of Minecraft's basic features such as Villagers are also reworked to provide a fresh new experience with new professions, variants and such. 

And whilst we may stray a lot from vanilla-style features, we tend to keep them down enough for the game to feel still as Minecraft, just more mysterious, more varied full of questions as if you played it for the first time. 


You cannot really know what awaits you around the corner, what are you going to find behind that mountain, what are those creatures in the shadows. Only place you know is your house, and the nights are dangerous. Still, the world is full of mystery and beauty, waiting for you to explore.

This mod adds huge amount of new wood types and subtypes (and many new stone types of course...),  various new materials to make tools and weapons from, artifact items foundable as loot, magic books and multiple new civilizations to the game. To just get hold of the amounts of content this add-on adds I'd strongly recommend looking at the recipe book, creative inventory, or trying /give @s better: and see what it recommends you.

The amount of content of this mod is, of course, not just limited to blocks, entities and items, it also contains various strcutures that can be found throughout your world. From the smallest dwellings of the smallest people through the grandious cities of the kings, towns of the villager-folk bustling with trade, to the ethereal halls of the fairies.


We are not forgetting about the more combat-oriented fraction of Minecraft players either. This add-on adds whole bunch of new challages and even gigantic coordinate locked dungeons with foes and loot beyond count.

The weapons and armour, either as a tools used to win the challanges or rewards gained from them are also many to choose from.

So carft your own path! Travel around the world, settle on a farm, become an Illager, open up a tavern or lead armies against the darkness. Nothing's stopping you from becoming a king or a stone-mason. Brew wine, drink beer, eat mutton-cheese dumplings. This mod gives you just the canvas. You make the story.

(except the armour, weapon and block previews, all footages are of places naturally generated, you can find in the mod)


That's not all!


As I've already mentioned, it would be impossible to document the entire add-on just on this page. So if you want to get a better picture about the mod or even some more detailed information, join our discord server, where you can chat with the creators, players, or check the mod guides for proper documentation to the mod. I strongly recommend also checking the changelogs here below where there's a detailed information what's added each update. You can also check out my YT channel, where I post from time-to-time development videos or videos explaining the game mechanics. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to get regular updates on the development, if you wish to. If you wish to contact us directly and privately or report urgent bugs, you can use, as mentioned, our discord, or write to this e-mail: [email protected]


  • Founder: KZBMM
  • Coding: KZBMM, SplinedWelshman
  • Textures: Bubblybahan (Discord: bubblybahan)NinjAnanas4086 (Discord)
  • A girl-for-everything: Huhuuk
  • Structures: KZBMM, Darkwave, Deleted User
  • Sponsored by: Morshu's Shop LLC




Follow these steps to install mod correctly!!

  1. Remove all older version of the mod from your game.
  2. Download the mod.
  3. Import the mod into Minecraft (if playing on a gaming console rename the file from .mcaddon to .zip and extract: server to behavior packs, client to resource packs, db to world templates in com.mojang folder).
  4. Now you have two optians:

4.1 If you want to play with custom biomes:

  • Go to create world screen.
  • Scroll down to imported world templates.
  • Select one with the default name "Bette Adventures Base Game Versioned Template", with an image of Roadmeet castle in Finland biome.
  • Click "Create World". This will create world stuck in MC version 1.17.40, therefore custom biomes will generate, however no 1.18 or later vanilla additions will be in the game.

4.2 If you want to play with the newest Minecraft features:

  • Create new world or choose already existing one.
    • Activate behavior pack.
    • Resource pack will activate automatically.
    • If you create the world, it will have all the Minecraft's newest features corresponding with your version of the game, but none of this mod's custom biomes will generate until MCPE-100700 gets fixed.

Experimental Gameplay Required:

  • Beta API's, Custom Biomes, Data-driven Jigsaw Structures and Upcoming Creator Features are required.

Huhuuk has recorded for us an installation tutorial for the mod. If you prefer it that way, you can see it here on my YT channel:


Topic starter Posted : 27/09/2020 6:34 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 17/02/2025 6:56 pm