Better Mineshaft Loot
After so much work you, at last, find a mineshaft, then the open a minecart with chest and what do you find – melon and pumpkin seeds, bones, and sometimes some minerals. Well, Mojang that’s unfair you have worked hard for it. This addon changes it so that you get better loot.
Here’s what all you will find
totem of undying
diamond sword
diamond chest plate
enchanted apples (better chance of finding it, way better)
ender pearl
diamond blocks
shulker box
name tag
emerald block
ender chest
nether star
I opened 11 chests (don’t judge me about the no. ) and here’s what I found
pretty good
a lot of totems this time
Ummm you can decide
emerald blocks & a ton of enchanted apples
idk bout this one
totems , ender chests and nether stars
woah a lot of totems (that chest is full)
enchanted apples
Pretty good results eh?
the chest shown are not placed by me, to make finding the chests easier I went to a place that has a mineshaft underneath it and used /tp on the chest since minecart with chest is an entity it came to the surface
Hope you like the addon
If you are making a video on this addon pls do credit me and provide the link to this addon
Pls check out and sub to my Youtube channel. it’s my dream to reach 100 subs – my channel (click here )
Fell free to tell your remarks in the comments, want more items in the mineshaft chest – tell me in the comments
Anyway Bye
i made more changes to the description
I hope it gets accepted this time
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