Better NPC Addon
Introducing Better NPC Add-on !
A new feature to play Minecraft NPC.
Hello! Minecraft friends, this Add-on is very useful for completing your Minecraft Projects, like adventure maps and etc. Using this add-on, will make your world more fantastic!
Better NPC add-on introduces different kinds of NPC with different animation and model.
Don't worry cause this NPC is editable like the original Minecraft NPC, you can add text, command, change their skin and name, with 201 different skins to play!

Welcome to Better NPC!
Version: 1.1.2

What's New?
Introducing: Chibi NPC with 10 different skins!
How to obtain?
This NPC can be found in "Creative Mode" inventory.

You can also summon the NPC in survival mode by typing this command.
example: /summon rio:npc_cute

How to delete them?
Do this with your own risk , you can also delete specific NPC if the it's already given a name.
type this command: /kill @e[type=rio:npc_cute]
Why the old NPC's was not included in this update?
Answer: Because I'm still fixing it and adding a feature , were the player will be able to delete it without typing a command.
Suggestions and etc.?
Feel free to contact me here:
DISCORD: RioNakamuraEyo#5405
Twitter: @RioEyo23
Like my work?
Here's my portfolio =>
NEWS: The old NPC's will be back in the next fixed update , for now I need to add some helpful features in each of them .
Next Update will be posted on July 20, 2021
- Removed the OLD NPC"S , they will be back in the next update , once i fixed them.
- Fixed manifest .
- Fixed files to avoid importing errors.
- Fixed bugs and tested!
Installing Instruction's:
Open this file and it will open your Minecraft.
The Add-On will automatically imported in Minecraft once you run the file.