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MCPE/Bedrock Better Textures and Animations

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Textures and Animations


Need to have an easier way to see the crops that are fully grown?  This texture pack changes a lot of things like the Wither, Bee, Nests, and Netherrack. There are 2 options: Outlined and Solid blocks. Some features like the turtle egg, pumpkin blur removal, and the Blaze animations are not shown in either the video or the pictures


The blocks changed between the options are in this list below, both brick changes apply to its fences, walls, stairs, etc. if the photos for the animations don’t explain enough, watch the attached video for full description. 

  • Netherrack
  • Nether bricks
  • Red nether bricks
  • Obsidian
  • Cobweb
  • Snow
  • Mob spawner
  • Leaves

Bees not doing flying animation (watch the video to see it better)

Elder Guardian Laser

Evoker casting spell animation

Guardian shooting squid

Hives and Nest status

Magma cubes jumping

Leashes on Wandering Trrader



Loyalty rope

Crops growing

Nether example, the red blocks are Red nether bricks (solid mode)

Outline mode example


The wither skull projectiles

Solid honey and slime:

Wither skeletons and Wither boss


Pack Description (d me on discord if you find errors)

Mob Spawner, Nether Brick, Netherrack, Web, Obsidian, Red Nether Brick, Snow, and Leaves can be changed in pack settings. This also changes Wither Skeleton, Turtle Egg, Pumpkin Blur, Crops, Leaves, Bee Nests, Beehives, Wither, Guardian Laser, Trident Loyalty Rope, Leash Rope, and mob animations: player, magma cube, shulker bullet, blaze, evoker, bee, player, guardian, and elder guardian.


creator: Blue Shadow8558


Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2020 1:31 pm