Better Villagers Add-On
Better Villagers is an Add-On that makes villagers give better deals, makes them a higher level, and lets you trade with them as much as you want. This allows the player to trade faster and easier. This Add-On does not change the look of the villagers and the items the villagers usually trade with.
When a villager has spawned it will be a random level. This means that sometimes it will instantly be a max villager or it could be level 1. Also, the villagers give cheaper deals. This means that most of the trades will only cost one of an item. In addition, you can trade villagers as much as you want. This means you can trade it 999 times until it refills.
The images below are examples of villagers that have just spawned.
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- make a profit off of this pack
- copy codes or files in the addon without my permission
Note: There is a glitch where sometimes the price will be normal.
This is made by Minecraft Pro 672
Hope you enjoy 🙂
- Removed the Shrinkearn link because it is just not good.
- Fixed Linkvertise link
Any of the links you click on will support me. Thank you. 🙂
creator: Minecraft pro 672