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Beyond The Underground (6 New Cave Biomes!)
Beyond The Underground for Minecraft Bedrock
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Experimental Toggles
- You don't have to turn on any toggles for this add-on to work.
🍄 Luminous Caverns (Mushroom Caves)
- Generate under Mushroom Islands
- A peaceful cave with no natural hostile mobs spawning
- The entire cave is slightly lit up with vegetation!
Vegetation & Foliage
- Giant Luminous Mushrooms & Giant Gloomy Mushrooms generate in this cave
- Normal-sized mushrooms generate on the surface
- Radiant Vines grow from the ground
- These plants all emit a small amount of light!
- Luminous Mushroom Stew can be crafted with 1 Bowl, 1 Luminous Mushroom, and 1 Gloomy Mushroom
- Replenishes 6 hunger points (3 hunger bars)
- Gives you Night Vision for 15 seconds
- Mysterious Stew can be crafted with 1 Bowl, 1 Luminous Mushroom, 1 Gloomy Mushroom, 1 Red Mushroom, 1 Brown Mushroom, and 1 Mysterious Mushroom
- Replenishes 3 hunger points (1.5 bars)
- Gives you 1-2 random effects (selecting from all positive and negative effects)
- Luminite is a blue gemstone that can be found in Luminous Caverns
- Luminite Ore generates at Y levels -64 to 12
- Drops 1-2 Luminite Shards when broken
- Combine 6 Luminite Shards and 1 Diamond in a Crafting Table to get 1 Luminite
- Luminite can be used to craft gear!
- As Luminite gear is harder to obtain than Diamond gear but also easier to obtain than Netherite, the stats of Luminite gear are in between Diamond and Netherite gear.
- Shroom Elves spawns in Luminous Caverns
- They can be bred using Luminous Mushrooms
- They spawn in large groups of 4-8
- They have 8 health (4 hearts) and die almost instantly from lava
- They run away from the player but can be lured using Luminous Mushrooms
- They drop 0-2 Luminous Mushrooms when killed
- Luminous Mooshrooms spawns in Luminous Caverns
- They can be bred using Wheat
- Interact with them using:
- A bucket to get milk
- A bowl to get Luminous Mushroom Stew
- A Mysterious Mushroom first, then a Bowl to get Mysterious Stew
- Shears to get Luminous Mushrooms. This will turn them into normal cows.
🧙♀️ Slimy Sewers (Slime Caves)
- Generate under Swamps & Mangroves
- A very dangerous cave with thick green fog, limiting your render distance
Vegetation & Foliage
- A layer of Slimy Stone replaces Stone on the surface, which slows you down
- Slime Layers cover most of the floor
- Slimy Blossoms and Slimy Sprouts scatter across the cave
- Sticky Spikes generate on the surface and hurts you when you step on them
- Slime drips from the ceiling
- Mud, Tall Grass and Slimy Pebbles can be found here
- Slime Soup can be crafted with 1 Bowl and 2 Slimeballs
- Replenishes 3 hunger points (1.5 bars)
- Gives you Jump Boost II for 8 seconds and Resistance II for 5 seconds
- Has a 45% chance to also give you Hunger I for 30 seconds and Nausea II for 20 seconds
- Slimy Zombies spawn in the Slimy Sewers
- They spawn in large hordes of 4 to 7
- They have 20 health (10 hearts) like regular zombies
- They throw Hardened Slimeballs at enemies which deal 7 damage (3.5 hearts) with no armor
- They drop Rotten Flesh and Hardened Slimeballs when killed
- Vanilla Minecraft Slimes spawn more frequently here, in groups of 2 to 4
- Vanilla Minecraft Witches also spawn more frequently here, in groups of 1 to 3
- Slime Dungeons generate under Swamps between Y=-59 and 47.
- There are 2 variants: Stone & Deepslate, for their respective Y levels
- There are 3 spawners: 1 with Slimes, and 2 with Slimy Zombies
Special Weapon
- There is a treasure chest in the middle with valuable loot, including the Slime Dagger (exclusively found here!)
- Slime Daggers deal 4 attack damage and inflict enemies with 6 seconds of Poison II & 3 seconds of Jump Boost I
Other Blocks
- Here is everything new you can get from the Slimy Sewers.
- Slime Dungeons are built using Slimy Stone Bricks, Slimy Deepslate Bricks, and Slimy Deepslate Tiles. You can craft them using Slimy Stone and Slimy Deepslate!
- Slime Lanterns can be crafted using 1 Glowstone and 4 Hardened Slimeballs!
🦂 Limestone Caves (Desert Caves)
- Generate under Deserts
- A very dusty cave with thick yellow fog
Vegetation & Foliage
- All stone in this cave is replaced with Limestone, Cobbled Limestone, Calcite, and Sandstone
- Patches of Quicksand and Coarse Dirt occasionally generate
- Limestone Pebbles, Cobbled Limestone Pebbles, and Sand Layers can be found on the floor
- Sandy Roots hang from the ceiling
- Scorpions spawn in the Limestone Caves
- They spawn in swarms of 2 to 4
- They have 16 health (8 hearts)
- They inflict 10 seconds of Poison every attack
- They drop Raw Scorpion items on death (or Cooked Scorpion items if died in fire or lava)
- Vanilla Minecraft Husks also spawn more frequently here, in hordes of 2 to 4
- Sandy Skellies spawn in the Limestone Caves in groups of 1 to 2
- They have 16 health (8 hearts)
- They have a 10% chance to drop their skull when killed
Special Weapon
- The Wand of the Sands can be crafted using Sandstone Sticks (found in Limestone Dungeons) and 1 Sandy Skelly Skull.
- They can be used to trigger sandstorms, inflicting 5 seconds of Blindness and Weakness II to opponents!
- Raw Scorpion items drop from Scorpions on death
- Replenishes 1 hunger point (0.5 bars)
- Gives you Fatal Poison II for 10 seconds, Nausea III for 8 seconds, and Hunger III for 10 seconds
- Raw Scorpion items can be smelted in a Furnace or Smoker to make a Cooked Scorpion
- Replenishes 5 hunger points (2.5 bars)
- Raw Scorpion items can be used to brew Fatal Poison potions.
- Limestone Dungeons generate under Deserts between Y=6 and 40.
- There are 4 spawners, 2 with Scorpions and 2 with Husks
- There is a treasure chest in the middle with valuable loot, including diamonds, golden apples, and/or enchanted apples
- Limestone Ruins can be found in Limestone Caves between Y=6 and 47.
- All ruins have a chest, which contains useful items.
- There are 6 variants in total. See if you can find them all!
- Arenas generate between Y=6 and 50.
- Interact with the gray Arena Trigger to start the battle!
- Defeat all mobs within the time limit to receive rewards.
- Arena Battles cannot start in Peaceful. Check your difficulty!
Other Blocks
- Limestone Dungeons, Limestone Ruins and Arenas are built using Limestone Bricks. You can craft them using Limestone, and there are many other variants as well!
❄️ Ice Caves
- These caves generate exclusively under frozen biomes
- Ice can be found everywhere, including dripping icicles and ice crystals
Vegetation & Foliage
- Ice Crystals, Frosted Stone and Frosted Deepslate replaces most stone on the cave surface
- Crystallized Ice and Blue Ice make up the cave ceiling
- Pebbles can be found on the floor
- Icicles drip from the ceiling
- Penguins spawn in the Ice Caves and on the surface of frozen biomes
- They spawn in groups of 3 to 5 on the surface and 2 to 4 underground
- They have 10 health (5 hearts)
- They cannot be tamed but can be lured and bred using Raw Cod and Raw Salmon
- Vanilla Minecraft Strays also spawn more frequently here, in armies of 2 to 4
- Frost Spirits spawn in the Ice Caves
- They are playful little ice cubes that jump and attack you
- They have 16 health (8 hearts)
- They deal 3 damage (1.5 hearts) per hit
- They drop Frost Essence, which can be used for brewing and crafting a special weapon
- Frost Essence can be used to brew Freezing potions, which give you Slowness and Mining Fatigue.
- Lost Explorer Camps generate under frozen biomes (in ice caves) between Y=-30 and 20.
- Lost Explorers trade you materials from the surface for things found underground
- To spawn the Lost Explorer, interact with the Suitcase when holding an Emerald.
- Ice Dungeons generate in Ice Caves between y=-40 and 40.
- In the chest, you may find the Frozen Core, Frost Essence and other valuables!
Special Weapon
- The Bane of Frost can be crafted using 6 Frost Essence, 1 Frozen Core, and 2 Sticks.
- This weapon deals 6 attack damage and inflicts 3 seconds of Slowness IV and Mining Fatigue III.
Other Blocks
- Packed Ice Bricks can be crafted using Packed Ice. There is also Chiseled Packed Ice with a snowflake pattern.
- Pebbles naturally generate here, except for Limestone & Slimy variants. To craft more pebbles, simply put the respective block into a Stonecutter!
💐 The Undergrowth (Jungle & Roofed Forest Caves)
- Home to the Rainbow Gum Tree, giant flowers and mushrooms
- Watch out for the Thornspitter and their tracking thorns!
Vegetation and Foliage
- Chromatic Petals and Twilight Spores generate everywhere
- Star Jasmine generate on Rainbow Gum trees
- Giant flowers are very common
- Thornspitters spawn only in Giant Wither Roses.
- They shoot thorns at you
- They have 16 health (8 hearts)
- They drop melons with a 4% chance of dropping the Corrupted Bouquet
- Giant Flowers have a 4% chance to be Giant Wither Roses. These flowers have a Thornspitter spawner in them.
- The chest has an 70% chance of generating with a Corrupted Bouquet
Other Blocks
- The Rainbow Gum tree comes with its own wood type!
☠️ Soul Caverns (Nether Caves)
- Generate in new, giant caverns in the Nether Wastes!
- These caves are home to the Crooked Forest, with the new Crooked wood type
- Souls are present almost everywhere in this cave. Watch out for ghostly, wandering Wisps!
Vegetation & Foliage
- Crooked Fungi and Crooked Roots generate here
- Giant Crooked Fungi are found everywhere
- Lava pits and Soul Geysers are common in this cave. Tread carefully!
- Wisps spawn in the Soul Caverns and in Soul Sand Valleys
- They spawn in groups of 2 to 3
- They have 12 health (6 hearts)
- They shoot Souls at you, which deal a lot of damage!
- They drop Soul Fragments upon death, which can be used to craft the Soul Healer
- Soul Fragments can also be used to brew Potions of Decay, which give you the Wither effect.
- Crooked Fungus Stew can be crafted with 1 Bowl and 2 Crooked Fungi
- Replenishes 6 hunger points (3 bars)
- Gives you Fire Resistance for 20 seconds
- Soul Castles generate in the Soul Caverns. Continue exploring, and you'll find one eventually!
- There is 1 Wisp spawner
- There is a treasure chest filled with goodies, ranging from Soul Bricks to Diamonds, Enchanted Apples, Soul Fragments, or even the Soul Healer!
- Hidden underneath the lava are Broken Lava Tanks. Repair them in a Crafting Table first!
Other Blocks
- Lava Tanks work like sponges, but for lava instead. Add either Gold Ingots or Diamonds to a Broken Lava Tank in a Crafting Table to repair them.
- The only source of Lava Tanks are the Soul Castles.
- Gold Lava Tanks remove lava from a 7x6x7 area, while Diamond Lava Tanks remove lava from a 11x6x11 area.
- Lava Tanks need to be cooled down after each use. Follow the in-game instructions for more details!
- The Soul Caverns include a new wood type: the Crooked wood!
- Soul Stone generate in the Soul Caverns and in Soul Sand Valleys. Craft them into Soul Bricks for building!
Background music is played when exploring the cave biomes! These songs were all made by Leonardo.
Check out the YouTube playlist for all the songs!
A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the pack!
Terms of Use
You are allowed to:
- Edit the pack for personal use.
- Use the pack in your private modpack that you aren’t releasing publicly. You cannot use the pack in a public modpack.
- Make videos & media content with the pack.
You are NOT allowed to:
- Distribute the pack using a new download link. Always share the link to to this page.
- Monetise the pack download. Doing so will result in a copyright takedown.
Version 1.6 (March 6, 2025)
New Cave Type: Undergrowth!
- Generates exclusively under Jungles and Roofed Forests
- Home to the Rainbow Gum Tree, giant flowers and mushrooms
- Watch out for the Thornspitter and their tracking thorns!
New Blocks:
- Cave Turf
- Deepslate Cave Turf
- Rainbow Gum Log (Normal, Stripped)
- Rainbow Gum Wood (Normal, Stripped)
- Rainbow Gum Leaves
- Petal Blocks (White, Blue, Red, Orange, Magenta, Black)
- Chromatic Petals
- Star Jasmine
- Twilight Spores
- Limestone Pillar
- Arena Trigger & Arena Pillar (unobtainable)
New Mob:
- Thornspitter. A spinning flower that shoots thorns at you.
New Special Weapon:
- Corrupted Bouquet. Spawns tracking thorns towards the nearest entity, dealing 10 damage. Will not damage players.
Introducing Arena Battles!
- Arenas generate in Limestone Caves between y=6 and y=50.
- Interact with the gray Arena Trigger to start the battle!
- Defeat all mobs within the time limit to receive rewards.
- Arena Battles cannot start in Peaceful. Check your difficulty!
- New pack icon!
- New menu screen panorama!
- Many blocks & items across all cave types received a new texture. (Thank you, BrineCraft!)
- Many non-full blocks can now be waterlogged, including slabs and pebbles.
- Non-solid blocks no longer allow redstone dust to stair-step downward to another block.
- Most blocks now have different breaking speeds depending on the tool used.
- Items in the inventory are now organized according to the cave type they are from.
- Changed the blast resistance of many blocks to match vanilla variants.
- Changed naming format of spawn eggs to match vanilla.
- Changed the blockstates of the Crooked Trapdoor. This means it will revert to its original state and you may have to place/open them again.
- Crooked Doors, Crooked Trapdoors and Crooked Fence Gates now react to redstone input.
- Changed block states of the Crooked Door. You will need to break and place them back after updating.
- Merged the block and item IDs of the following items. This means *all* these items will disappear from your world unless they are placed down.
- All types of Pebbles
- Luminous Mushroom
- Gloomy Mushroom
- Mysterious Fungus
- Slimy Sprouts
- Slimy Blossom
- Sticky Spikes
- Sandy Skelly Skull
- Ice Crystal
- Crooked Fungus
- Crooked Roots
- Crooked Door
- Soul Geyser
- The fog in Deserts and Limestone Caves is now less dense.
- Limestone Dungeons now generate less commonly.
- Renamed the Mysterious Fungus to Mysterious Mushroom.
- The Luminous Mushroom, Gloomy Mushroom, Mysterious Mushroom, Slimy Sprouts, Crooked Fungus and Crooked Roots are now destroyed by water.
- Pebbles and Lava Tanks now have their own item group in the creative inventory.
- Cobbled Limestone has been moved to the nature tab.
- Sticky Spikes can now be placed on any block.
- Chiseled Soul Bricks now have different textures for up/bottom and side faces. (Thank you, BrineCraft!)
- When cooling down Lava Tanks, the game no longer sends the "You have been given Bucket * 1" message.
- For performance reasons, Glowing Obsidian no longer emits particles.
- This add-on now requires Minecraft 1.21.60 or above to function.
Fixed Bugs:
- Giant Luminous Mushrooms, Gloomy Mushrooms and Crooked Fungi now generate without being cut off.
- Luminous Mushroom Stew now gives the correct effects.
- Hardened Slimeballs, Sand Lumps and Souls shot by Wisps now emit the correct particles.
- Sand Layers once again generate in Limestone Dungeon chests.
- Slime Layers once again generate in Slime Dungeon chests.
- Dripping Slime and Dripping Icicles now emit the correct particles.
- "Invalid particle type" warnings no longer appear in the content log.
- Errors no longer occur when standing on Soul Magma Blocks.
- Fixed step-on effect of the Soul Geyser and Sticky Spikes.
- Errors no longer appear when a mob attacks other mobs.
- Hardened Slimeballs, Sand Lumps and Thrown Souls no longer appear as placeholder strings in death messages.
- The Bane of Frost now breaks Crystallized Ice faster.
- Crooked Stems can once again be rotated.
- Lava Tanks no longer return an empty bucket when cooling them down in creative.
- Obsidian can once again be emptied from Lava Tanks.
- Sounds now play when adding more layers to Slime and Sand Layers.
- Fixed Suitcases not summoning the Lost Explorer when interacted with using an emerald.
- Crooked Doors can now be crafted.
- Item names of Crooked Doors are now translated into Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
This topic was modified 2 weeks ago by McBedrock
Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2021 6:22 pm
Topic starter Posted : 04/03/2025 3:16 pm