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MCPE/Bedrock BIG Cats Add-On

Illustrious Member Admin

BIG Cats Add-On


STAY BACK!!! They’re vicious, vicious beasts. Worse even than rabbits and butterflies. Oh, much worse than butterflies. One of these lions will take your head clean off, what’s a butterfly going to do?? Land on you? Oh… You mean the Murderous Ice Butterflies of the Arctic Circle? That’s not a fair comparison – they don’t even exist!!! But would be a cool (ha!) addon.


No butterflies here, for now, just Kings and Queens of jungles and savannas and forest hills everywhere! Here we have (and you can have):

Lions & Lionesses

  • Find them in savanna and jungles (of course).
  • Tame with salmon, cod, string
  • Tame themquicklybecause when you approach they’re going to kill you (or try their hardest)
  • Breed them with golden apples


  • They’re back and better than ever!
  • Find them in savanna and jungles
  • Tame with salmon, cod, string
  • They seem really similar to lions…. They won’t try and murder you though, unless you’re nasty to them
  • Breed them with golden apples (soooo original)


  • Find them in hilled forests (birch, dark forest, forest, wooded)
  • Tame with salmon, cod, string
  • Breed them with golden apples (there’s no hope for me)


  • Find them in savanna, forests and deserts (just like real life!)
  • Tame with salmon, cod
  • Breed them with golden apples (why don’t I just say ‘breed them all with golden apples’) (not sure)


  • Find these beasts in jungle and plains
  • Tame with salmon, cod
  • The fastest big cat!
  • Breed with golden apples


  • Only found in jungles, and not in bright sunlight, could be a challenge to find them in survival. You’re up for it! Yes you are.
  • Tame with salmon, cod
  • Make scary sounds when attacking (just like real life)
  • Don’t like endermen (just like real life)
  • Breed with golden apples (just like real life, ok not really like real life, most of these aren’t)
  • They’re black. Apparently in real life only 6% are black. These are those 6%. So… Just like real life…??

Our Youtube channel here!


To the merry youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* on MCBedrock. Cheers!


Bugfix to make the Tiger attack things! Thanks very much to odarmamx and tigercup1 (you gotta stop calling me 'sir' lol) for pointing it out. Also added in the new(ish) despawn tag to all big cats. Fixed the baby heads too, so they're bigger than normal. Cuuuuuuuute.



Topic starter Posted : 15/09/2020 6:43 pm