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MCPE/Bedrock Biomes Recrafted (Compatible With Other Add-ons)

Illustrious Member Admin

Biomes Recrafted (Compatible With Other Add-ons)

Ever wanted an add-on that adds more biomes but can work with other add-ons? Ever wanted just a simple add-on that adds more biomes but not new blocks? If so then this add-on is perfect for you This add-on works with other add-ons 100%This add-on adds vanilla styled biomes 



Please do not claim this add-on as your own 

Please give credit when you make a youtube video on this add-on 

Please don't post the direct link (i don't make you go through exes or notifications) 


Tall Oak Forest 

A Warm weather biome

Tall oak trees, small oak trees, and flowers generate here 

Generates often



Tall Birch Forest

A Warm Weather Biome

Tall birch trees, small oak trees, small birch trees, and flowers generate here

Generates Often


Drip swamp 

A Cold/Wet Biome

swamp trees, drip swamp trees, tall drip swamp trees, lily pads, and mushrooms generate here

Generates a lot


Oak Forest

small oak trees, bushy oak trees, and flowers generate here

A Warm weather biome

Generate Rarely 


Giant Mushroom Forest  (apart of the mushroom expansion update coming soon)

I added a sub pack to add/remove this biome from your world 

Giant Mushrooms and mycelium generate here

Generates rarely

A Lukewarm Weather Biome


Sub Packs 

More sub pack options coming soon! 

How to use:  when you go to create a world and add the add-on click more info and click the clog and then it will come up with a slide bar with options


Showcase (i recommend you watch before playing:)


Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2021 9:00 am