Biomes X
Hi, this is my first addon that I made for Minecraft, This addon is about new biomes, so I added Death Biome, Holy Biome, and Hologram Biome to the Minecraft game.
Death Biome
Death biomes, is a biome of the death, this biome is layered by basalts, and blackstone, and also obsidian.
you will rarely see new ores spawn in the depths of 50 – 0.
Lead ore
Lead ore can be smelted into lead ingot using furnace or blast furnace
Lead ingot can be crafted into Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, and Scythe
All of the tools have their own effect
Holy Biome
Holy biome, this biome is layered by holy grass, holy dirt, and holy stone
You will rarely see quartz ore spawning in this biome
So now, you do not need to go into the nether to get quartz
Hologram Biome
Hologram biome, is a biome that just hologram. The layer is just like a normal biome, except you can’t take the block except you use silk touch enchantment
Death trees
Holy trees
Hologram trees
Screenshot of 3 biomes
Seeds of this world if you want
Use this command to get the items in creative
Note: some of the items need silk touch to be broken
Note(again): when you see water with another color than usual, it’s intended
Only for 1.16+ minecraft player
creator: JeremyTale