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MCPE/Bedrock Blade of Teleportation (Teleportation Ability!)

Illustrious Member Admin

Blade of Teleportation (Teleportation Ability!)


Have you ever wanted to be able to teleport around you Minecraft world like an enderman? Well with this addon you can! And all while outputting more damage than a netherite sword!



Created by: AbstractRemix

This is a relatively simple addon that adds a new sword into Minecraft known as the ‘Blade of Teleportation’, that can only be crafted with a netherite sword, 4 eye of enders and 4 ender pearls. The crafting recipe requires netherite of course so this is an endgame weapon for those who have played in their worlds for a reasonable amount of time.

Sword of Teleportation In-Game

Sword of Teleportation Crafting Recipe

How to Use

After the Blade of Teleportation has been crafted it functions just as a normal sword would except when you right click (left trigger on console, hold on mobile)  you will be teleported 7 blocks forward and an enderman teleport noise will play along with a slight particle effect.

Other stuff –

Important: This add-on requires experimental features to function, please ensure you enable both ‘Additional Modding Capabilities’ AND ‘Holiday Creator Features’

Important: Make sure you download both the resource pack AND the behaviour pack!

You are allowed to: 

Modify this addon for personal use 



Use this addon in any videos you wish with the link to the MCBEDROCK page featured somewhere.


You are not allowed to:

  • Provide download links other than the one featured at the bottom of this page
  • Modify and re-release this add-on
  • Claim this add-on as your own


NOTE: Durability for custom items is currently broken so the tools in this add-on will not lose durability, this will be fixed for the add-on whenever it is fixed by Minecraft

Thanks for downloading the add-on! Feel free to leave a comment and rating, it’s greatly appreciated! .

creator: AbstractRemix


Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2021 1:00 pm