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MCPE/Bedrock Blessed's Guns

Illustrious Member Admin

Blessed's Guns


tools that will helps you and your faction to fight and eliminate all who oppose your ideals and goals or to survive in a very dangerous place,
Hunt and kill players, Sell their bags and artefacts for profit and interesting private messages
in short, this is actually just a gun addon inspired from STALCRAFT
other name of this addon is "Single-fire guns addon"

tools that will helps you and your faction to fight eliminate all who oppose your ideals and goals or to survive in a very dangerous place,
Hunt and kill players, Sell their bags and artefacts for profit and interesting private messages
in short, this is actually just a gun addon inspired from STALCRAFT (and radium)
the addon is still in BETA

the addon is still not survival friendly for now but u can make it survival friendly (for your server maybe) if u understand a bit about addon coding

the aim animation not affected by bobbing animation, so u don't need to turn off view bobbing

idk what to explain anymore, it is just guns and pew pew, and ammos and reload and pew pew boom oh ye i just added a rpg7



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Admin Feedback:
Download link type not allowed. Please use alternatives such as Mediafire or Linkvertise (Only 1 action allowed per link). Please choose a more unique name for your project. Featured image has to be a better representation of the actual in-game content. Please create a more detailed submission.

changed description

creator: headcrab


Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2023 4:49 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2023 3:42 pm