Block Armor Addon! Cherry Blossom Update (1.20 Blocks) V8
AN ARMOR FOR EVERY. SINGLE. BLOCK. The concept of this addon is to add an armor for every single Block in the game. Every single full block (so not slabs) that is not interactable (exp. chest) has an armor in this addon. In addition, this addon adds a sword for each of the new armors.
Below is an Image of all current armors

All of the Following have been added as armor sets and a sword with their own crafting recipes and strengths
Bone Block, Bookshelf, Brick, Endstone, Endstone Brick, Purpur, Glass, Black Stained Glass, Blue Stained Glass, Brown Stained Glass, Cyan Stained Glass, Green Stained Glass, Grey Stained Glass, Light Blue Stained Glass, Light Grey Stained Glass, Lime Stained Glass, Magenta Stained Glass, Orange Stained Glass, Pink Stained Glass, Purple Stained Glass, Red Stained Glass, White Stained Glass, Yellow Stained Glass, Black Glazed Terracotta, Blue Glazed Terracotta, Brown Glazed Terracotta, Cyan Glazed Terracotta, Green Glazed Terracotta, Grey Glazed Terracotta, Light Blue Glazed Terracotta, Light Grey Glazed Terracotta, Lime Glazed Terracotta, Magenta Glazed Terracotta, Orange Glazed Terracotta, Pink Glazed Terracotta, Purple Glazed Terracotta, Red Glazed Terracotta, White Glazed Terracotta, Yellow Glazed Terracotta, Nether Bricks, Nether Wart Block, Netherrack, Quartz Block, Red Nether Brick, Prismarine, Bedrock, Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Hay, Melon, Obsidian, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Sand, Sandstone, Soul Sand, Soul Soil, Amethyst Block, Basalt, Cobbled Deepslate, Cobblestone, Deepslate, Diorite, Andesite, Granite, Mossy Cobblestone, Polished Basalt, Polished Deepslate, Smooth Andesite, Smooth Granite, Smooth Diorite, Stone, Stone Bricks, Tuff, Black Wool, Blue Wool, Brown Wool, Cyan Wool, Grey Wool, Light Grey Wool, Light Blue Wool, Lime Wool, Magenta Wool, Orange Wool, Pink Wool, Purple Wool, Red Wool, White Wool, Yellow Wool, Green Wool, TNT, Black Terracotta, Blue Terracotta, Brown Terracotta, Cyan Terracotta, Grey Terracotta, Green Terracotta, Light Blue Terracotta, Light Grey Terracotta, Lime Terracotta, Magenta Terracotta, Orange Terracotta, Pink Terracotta, Purple Terracotta, Red Terracotta, Terracotta, White Terracotta, Yellow Terracotta, Acacia Plank, Acacia Log, Birch Plank, Birch Log, Dark Oak Plank, Dark Oak Log, Jungle Plank, Jungle Log, Oak Plank, Oak Log, Spruce Plank, Spruce Log, Stripped Birch Log, Stripped Acacia Log, Stripped Dark Oak Log, Stripped Jungle Log, Stripped Oak Log, Stripped Spruce Log
Ancient Debris, Azalea Leaves, Azalea Leaves Flowered, Barrel, Beacon, Bee Nest, Black Concrete, Blue Concrete, Red Concrete, Orange Concrete, Light Blue Concrete, Light Grey Concrete, Pink Concrete, Yellow Concrete, Purple Concrete, Lime Concrete, Magenta Concrete, Green Concrete, Cyan Concrete, White Concrete, Brown Concrete, Grey Concrete, Blackstone, Blue Ice, Brown Mushroom, Budding Amethyst, Glowstone, Cactus, ice, Calcite, Chiseled Deepslate, Chiseled Nether Bricks, Chiseled Polished Blackstone, Chiseled Quartz Block, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Chiseled Sandstone, Chiseled Stone Bricks, Clay, Coal Block, Coal ore, Coarse Dirt, Copper Block, Copper Ore, Cracked Deepslate Tiles, Cracked Deepslate Bricks, Iron Block, Iron Ore, Gold Block, Gold Ore, Diamond Block, Diamond Ore, Emerald Block, Emerald Ore, Redstone Block, Redstone Ore, Lapis Block, Lapis Ore, Netherite Block
Added a Sword to go with every armor (some swords have their own abilities and effects)
Black Concrete Powder, Blue Concrete Powder, Brown Concrete Powder, Cyan Concrete Powder, Grey Concrete Powder, Green Concrete Powder, Light Blue Concrete Powder, Lime Concrete Powder, Magenta Concrete Powder, Orange Concrete Powder, Pink Concrete Powder, Purple Concrete Powder, Red Concrete Powder, Light Grey Concrete Powder, White Concrete Powder, Yellow Concrete Powder, Crimson Stem, Crimson Planks, Stripped Crimson Stem, Warped Stem, Warped Planks, Stripped Warped Stem
Brain Coral Block, Bubble Coral Block, Cracked Nether Bricks, Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks, Cracked Stone Bricks, Crying Obsidian, Crimson Nylium, Cut Copper, Cut Red Sandstone, Cut Sandstone, Dark Prismarine, Dead Brain Coral Block, Dead Bubble Coral Block, Dead Fire Coral Block, Dead Tube Coral Block, Fire Coral Block, Horn Coral Block, Tube Coral Block, Dead Horn Coral Block, Deepslate Bricks, Deepslate Tiles, Dried Kelp, Mangrove Log, Mangrove Planks, Stripped Mangrove log
Deepslate Coal, Deepslate Copper, Deepslate Diamond, Deepslate Emerald, Deepslate Gold, Deepslate Iron, Deepslate Lapis, Deepslate Redstone, Dripstone, Exposed Copper, Exposed Cut Copper, Gilded Blackstone, Honey Block, Honeycomb Block, Magma Block, Mangrove Roots, Moss BLock, Mossy Stone Bricks, Mud, Mud Bricks, Mushroom Stem, Mycelium, Nether Gold Ore, Nether Quartz Ore, Oxidized Copper, Oxidized Cut Copper, Packed Ice, Packed Mud, Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Bricks, Prismarine Bricks, Pumpkin, Purpur Pillar, Quartz Bricks, Quartz Pillar, Piston, Podzol, Raw Copper Block, Raw Gold Block, Raw Iron Block, Red Mushroom Block, Redstone Lamp, Reinforced Deepslate, Rooted Dirt, Sculk, Sculk Catalyst, Sea Lantern, Shroomlight, Slime Block, Smooth Basalt, Smooth Stone, Snow, Spawner, Sponge, Sticky Piston, Target, Warped Nylium, Warped Wart Block, Weathered Copper, Weathered Cut Copper, Wet Sponge
Anvil, Bamboo Stalk, Black Shulker Box, Blue Shulker Box, Brown Shulker Box, Cake, Carved Pumpkin, Cartography Table, Cauldron, Chain Command Block, Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Cobweb, Command Block, Composter, Conduit, Cyan Shulker Box, Daylight Detector, Dirt Path, Dispenser, Dragon Egg, Enchanting Table, End Portal Frame, Farmland, Fletching Table, Gray Shulker Box, Green Shulker Box, Grindstone, Hopper, Iron Bars, Jack O' Lantern, Jukebox, Ladder, Lectern, Dropper, Light Blue Shulker Box, Light Gray Shulker Box, Lime Shulker Box, Magenta Shulker Box, Orange Shulker Box, Pink Shulker Box, Red Shulker Box, Purple Shulker Box, Shulker Box, White Shulker Box, Yellow Shulker Box, Lodestone, Loom, Note Block, Observer, Ochre Froglight, Pearlescent Froglight, Verdant Froglight, Repeating Command Block, Respawn Anchor, Scaffolding, Sculk Sensor, Smithing Table, Smoker, Stonecutter, Sugar Cane
Acacia Leaves, Bamboo Block, Bamboo Mosaic, Bamboo Planks, Birch Leaves, Cherry Leaves, Cherry Log, Cherry Planks, Chiseled Bookshelf, Dark Oak Leaves, Jungle Leaves, Oak Leaves, Spruce Leaves, Stripped Bamboo Block, Stripped Cherry Log, Suspicious Gravel, Suspicious Sand
All armor strength is based on the rarity and toughness of the block they are based on. For example wooden armor is weaker than obsidian armor. Another example is that Cobblestone armor is stronger than Glass armor. The player can tell how much defense a piece of armor is giving them by looking at the end of its nametag. (The example pictures below to NOT reflect what the nametags now look like)
All Armors are crafted with the Basic Armor Recipe
(Amethyst Is Just the example, replace this recipe's ingredients with any of the previously stated blocks to craft that armor)

Armors With Abilities (There may be more?)
Netherite Block Armor
Netherite Block Armor grants fire resistance when equipped

Bedrock Armor
Bedrock Armor and the Bedrock Sword have infinite Durability for obvious reasons

Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, and Prismarine Bricks Armor
Prismarine and Dark Prismarine Armor both grant the wearer water breathing

Melon Armor
Melon Armor provides saturation(hunger regeneration)

Beacon Armor
Beacon Boots give slow falling, Beacon Leggings Give Jump Boost, the Beacon Chestplate gives Resistance, the Beacon Helmet gives Haste

Honey Block and Slime Block
Honey Block and Slime Block Armor give Jump Boost

Magma Block
Magma Block give Fire Resistance

Piston and Sticky Piston
Piston and Sticky Piston armor give Jump Boost

Redstone Lamp, Glowstone, Sea Lantern, Froglights, and Shroomlight
All these armors grant night vision

Cactus Armor
Cactus armor has thorns built into its item, however upon initial crafting the armor will be unenchanted.

After Crafting you can right click while the item is in your hand

If you right click with each item a second time, it will add to the enchant and become thorns 2
Known Bugs
When right clicking with a pre-enchanted cactus armor piece it will equip it unenchanted and give you a pair of enchanted boots in your hand. The equipped armor piece will then be unremovable until you leave and rejoin the world (this applies for all pieces of the cactus armor)
Work around
Wear armor while adding the thorns to the armor pieces or right click with a vanilla armor piece to override and replace it on you character
Ice Boots and Blue Ice Boots
Ice and Blue Boots have Frost Walker built into its item, however upon initial crafting the armor will be unenchanted.

After Crafting the boots, right click while they are in your hand

If you right click with each item a second time, it will add to the enchant and become frost walker 2
Known Bugs
When right clicking with a pre-enchanted ice/blue ice boots it will equip it unenchanted and give you a pair of enchanted boots in your hand. The equipped armor piece will then be unremovable until you leave and rejoin the world (this applies for both the ice and blue ice boots)
Work around
Wear armor while adding the frost walker to the armor pieces or right click with a vanilla armor piece to override and replace it on you character
Effects May not work as expected if other addons are enabled with higher priority than this one
This Addon took a LONG TIME to make and it is still in development, please comment any glitches, problems, or blocks I missed. Also comment any feedback in general (I really like reading comments). And Lastly if you use this for a Video on YouTube or any other platform please link this Page so I may get credit, thanks for downloading. DO NOT POST ON OTHER WEBSITES AS YOUR OWN, LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN
Added Over 17 New Armors
Fixed Crafting Bugs
Updated several parts of the page description
Updated Page Title
Click the link, then click free access with adds. Then click the blue download button toward the top right of the screen.