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[Block-Geo Fixer and Realms Fix] 1.19.21
Tired of errors in block textures above 1:1? Well, not anymore! Because this small plugin fixes custom blocks that are larger or larger than 1:1! So you'll see that a lot of add-ons will work again!
- Due to 1.18.10, you can't create custom blocks larger than 1:1 because "engine restrictions" that limits many developers and cause bugs that damage the Add-On. But this module breaks that limit and fixes it! Here's an example.
- Add-On used in the example: [FURNICRAFT 3D BLOCK - By ROBERTGAMER69]
- Put this add-On above of all resource packs to work! Or it won't work properly
The realms sonic bug:
- When you enter a realm with the geo fixer activated inside the realm the textures will change to this.
-Just add Sonic bug fix texture above all the add-on to fix this!
- Here is an video made by ForgeLogical where he makes the Add-On showcase go check it out!
If mojang patches this module there will be an update as soon as possible to fix the add-on.
Last but very important.
This module was originally created by LukasPAH
and due to my ignorance I did not know that it was created by him
All crédits for him!
and also for
TheWTFVerse for making the Sonic fix!
All crédits for him too!
[External Changelog]
- added new images that correspond to the addon version (Very Important)
- Modified the entire main page (important)
- Added a new featured image (minimal)
- Fixed the NO AD link
- added an explanatory video of the addon created by ForgeLogical
[Internal Changelog]
- Added more text and new info in the internal files + An fix for the Pack_Icon Image
If you want to use it in your Add-On remember to credit me Thats all!
Warning: The Block Geo fixer might not work in all Add-ons, do to the textures or code of the add-on.
- Thanks for reading
Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 4:46 pm
Topic starter Posted : 22/09/2022 6:05 pm