Blocky Furniture's V.1.1.0
Blocky Furniture's Introduces about 80+ new Furniture's Free to use, and is also survival friendly, its category ranges in modern furniture to classic furniture you have in you're everyday life.
BlazingFire203 Presents a newer and updated version of Bzf Furniture with more Minecraft style texture, and for free no charge

- How To Use?
- Craft yourself a CrateBox or Halloween Box. (recipe below)
- Use a Stonecutter and Open the Boxes
- Then Furniture's are for you to choose Enjoy 🙂


Crafting recipes for the cratebox to make all the furnitures, after getting the cratebox use a stone cutter have fun 🙂
Copyright ©️
This add-on link is not allowed to be send directly to mediafire or taking the file and making a new link for anyone.
Original Owned By BlazingFire203 Posted with the help of linkvertise.
Do not claim this content is yours.
If you plan on using this for a video or map please share the proper link and leave credits, and don't modify and claim this add-on is yours, if you plan using part of the add-on give credits
That is all Have A Great Day!!
Happy Halloween to all you blocky furniture users, 1.1.0 is out!! Also made a sweet trailer to showcase the furniture better
The installation links will lead you to linkvertise, if you are not familiar with passing linkvertise links look for ways in YouTube. (Sorry for the linkvertise link if it doesn't work for you, its the only way to get this add-on funded and getting motivated to getting better updates.)