BraydenB's Command Pack | Includes Hub and SetHub
this addon was made by braydenb it contains a ton of useful commands for servers and single player the commands that i have added uses the prefix - and all commands are listed below.
The following commands are added using the experiment option GAMETEST FRAMEWORK make sure to enable it while creating the world.
this command can make a person say something even if they never or is not online. this is really buggy right now and i will most likely make a separate addon for the sudo command
-heal heals your health

-gmc gamemode c
-gms gamemode s
-void create a void hole below the target

-tp2p teleport to a player
-i like /give
-hub teleport to the hub

-sethub sets the hub useful for servers
-smite summon lightning on the target

-op gives people to acess all custom commands this DOES NOT give access to normal / commands
-help shows help

Update will come soon!
creator: L&B corp