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MCPE/Bedrock Breedable Mob Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Breedable Mob Addon

This addon will make all mob breedable.

This addon allows you to breed and grow mob like creeper , husk , wither , skeleton horse and much more.

This addon has tested on Minecraft 1.12.0.

Experimental gameplay is not required.

How to Breed and grow the mob :

1. Creeper (Breed with tnt)(Grow with gunpowder)

2. Husk(Breed with coal)(Grow with stick)

3. Iron Golem(Breed with iron ingot)(Grow with iron nugget)

4. Silverfish(Breed with eye of ender)(Grow with spider eye)

5. Witch(Breed with potion)(Grow with blaze powder)

6. Ravager(Breed with Flint)(Grow with bone)

7. Blaze(Breed with blaze rod)(Grow with feather)

8. Wither skeleton(Breed with string)(Grow with cookie)

9. Zombie Pigman(Breed with gold ingot)(Grow with gold nugget)

10. Magma Cube(Breed with magma cream)(Grow with carrot)

11. Spider(Breed with apple)(Grow with melon seed)

12. Pillager(Breed with bow)(Grow with arrow)

13. Enderman(Breed with ender pearl)(Grow with redstone)

14. Vindicator(Breed with Iron Axe)(Grow with rotten flesh)

15. Guardian(Breed with diamond)(Grow with cake)

16. Wither(Breed with nether star)(Grow with nether wart)

17. Elder Guardian(Breed with prismarine crystal)(Grow with pufferfish)

18. Skeleton Horse(Breed with paper)(Grow with prismarine shard)


If there is any bug , post it under the comment section.

More breedable mob coming soon.


1)Featured image has changed.                


1)Download breedable mob addon.

2)Open it.

3)Create a new world with the breedable mob addon 


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2019 2:40 pm