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MCPE/Bedrock Brushes and Archaeology Concept Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Brushes and Archaeology Concept Addon


I really loved Minecraft Live 2020 last Saturday, it was a great time! Especially with the announcement of the Caves and Cliffs update. But one thing that fascinated me the most was the archaeology system that is coming. I thought it was really interesting, so I tried to somewhat recreate it with this addon! Hope you enjoy!


Our first new item is the Brush! This is the item you’ll need to get some of the new stuff. There’s two variants: the normal Brush and the Blue one. They both do the same thing but have different recipes.

To craft the blue one, you need two strings and a prismarine shard. To make the orange one you’ll need two strings and a Copper Ingot.



That’s right, this addon also brings Copper! However right now the copper doesn’t have some of the other features announced like the lightning rod and telescope but it’s still something you may want to look out for! To obtain it you have to look for Copper Ore underground. It’s not that rare so it should not be too troublesome to obtain some! When you get some ore, slide it into a furnace with some fuel and you’ll have a fresh Copper Ingot in no time!


So how does this work? Well as of current, you need to find scrap dirt or gravel deep underground. While they look identical to normal dirt and gravel, there’s a way to tell which is which! If you can’t mine the dirt/gravel, even with a good tool, that means it’s a scrap block. These scrap blocks are resistant to explosions so TNT might be a good way to find some! So, while holding a brush, simply just walk into the scrap block and it will break instantly, dropping something!



Below, you can find a table showing off the items that a scrap block can drop when broken with a brush:

Scrap blocks can offer you a new item: Ceramic Shards! The shards come in five types, each having a different look! These ceramic shards are useless right now but they look kind of cool.


Copper also has one other use in this addon! That being that you can use it to make a block of copper! It has 4 different states like how it was announced, however right now the block does not change over time. That is something I plan to change. For now, if you want the other types put the copper block in a stonecutters and you can make it into the next variant.




Remember to enable experimental gameplay!

*Added the copper block and it’s different states of rust.

*Updated textures of Copper Ingot and Copper Ore.

*Several changes to scrap dirt and scrap gravel:

**Their textures were updated so you can distinguish them from normal gravel and dirt.

**You’re now able to obtain string, gunpowder and flint from them.

**Now they will sometimes drop nothing when destroyed,

**Both of them now spawn in lower quantities.

*Copper Ore now spawns at higher levels but in smaller veins.

*Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash after using a brush.

*Fixed some blurry textures with the items.



Topic starter Posted : 26/10/2020 4:53 pm