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MCPE/Bedrock bum_Crops!

Illustrious Member Admin


 BUMTEAM presents...


Developed by Vex & Clouddspiderr & FallenToast




bum_Crops! is a comprehensive expansion to the vanilla farming and gardening content, aiming to provide more diversity and depth to your gardens.  To those ends, this mod adds over 48 new plants that can be grown, harvested, and utilized to craft a myriad of new foods, blocks, and more!  Each plant has been hand-crafted with special attention given to their aesthetic and utility; ensuring as much polish and vanilla parity as possible.

In addition to new crops, this mod also adds new brewing mechanics and 2 new mobs to your world!
Some items can be found in naturally generated chests and structures. 
All included content is available in both survival and creative modes! 

This mod also works on servers and was designed to be compatible with just about everything.


It just works.


At this point, you probably want to know what crops are included in this mod..

Well, here is a comprehensive list of all the crops for you!






Growth Stages




Grows On


Grown From
Asparagus Seeds


Extra Info

Asparagus can be cooked to produce Cooked Asparagus!







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol, Grass

Grown From

Coffee Beans


Extra Info

Coffee can be brewed in a Jabena with a Mug and Coffee Sack.
Coffee Sack 
can be crafted with Coffee Beans.








Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol, Grass

Grown From

Corn Seeds



Extra Info

Up to three corn plants can be planted on the same block!
Cooking Corn in a Smoker produces Smoked Corn. 
Cooking Corn in a Furnace produces Popcorn.





Dragon Fruit! 


Growth Stages


Grows On

Sand, Hardened Clay

Grown From


Dragonfruit Clipping




Extra Info

Dragon Fruit can be used in crafting a Fruit Bowl.
Use Shears to obtain a Dragonfruit Clipping.
Rumoured to cure the uncurable..







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Grape Seeds



Extra Info

Grapes are essential in brewing Wine. 
can be crafted into Grape Jam.







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol

Grown From

Hops Seeds



Extra Info

Hops are essential in brewing Ale. 







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol

Grown From

Pepper Seeds



Extra Info

Peppers are essential in crafting Chili. 







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol, Grass

Grown From


Pineapple Seeds




Extra Info

Pineapples are essential in crafting Pineapple Jam. 



Red Cabbage! 



Growth Stages



Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Podzol

Grown From

Red Cabbage Seeds



Extra Info

Red Cabbage is essential in crafting Cabbage Stew. 







Growth Stages


Grows On


Grown From

Rhubarb Seeds



Extra Info

Rhubarb is essential in crafting Rhubarb Pie. 







Growth Stages


Grows On

Podzol, Mycelium

Grown From




Extra Info

Shrooms grant special effects when consumed.
Yeast can sometimes be obtained when harvesting Shrooms.







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Mud, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Smokeleaf Seeds




Extra Info


Smokeleaf can be used to craft a Smokeleaf Joint.
Smokeleaf can be used as a fuel source.
Smokeleaf can be used to craft Paper.
Smokeleaf Joints can be equipped offhand to wear it.





Growth Stages




Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Strawberry Seeds



Extra Info

Strawberries are essential in crafting Strawberry Jam.







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Tomato Seeds



Extra Info

Tomatos are essential in crafting a Sandwhich.
can be thrown like Snowballs!







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Turnip Seeds



Extra Info

Turnips can be cooked to produce Baked Turnips.







Growth Stages


Grows On

Farmland, Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Zucchini Seeds




Extra Info


Zucchini is essential in crafting Zucchini Bread.



bum_Crops also adds new trees to the game!

Each tree includes a full custom woodset for your building pleasure!





Cherry Tree! 

Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol


Grown From


Cherry Sapling

Extra Info

Cherry Trees produce Cherries!



Lemon Tree! 

Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Lemon Sapling

Extra Info


Lemon Trees produce Lemons!




Orange Tree! 

Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Orange Sapling

Extra Info

Orange Trees produce Oranges!




Peach Tree! 


Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Peach Sapling

Extra Info

Peach Trees produce Peaches!




Pear Tree! 


Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Pear Sapling

Extra Info

Pear Trees produce Pears!




Maple Tree! 


Grows On

Dirt, Grass, Podzol

Grown From

Maple Sapling

Extra Info

Maple Syrup can be craft from Maple Sap.
Maple Sap 
can be harvested from Maple Trees with a Sap Tap.



 ... and that's all of the crops.. so far!

We're always looking to expand and improve the existing crops, so feel free to share criticisms and suggestions!

All of the woodsets include near complete Vanilla parity; including double-door logic!





There's also a whole slew of recipes you can craft using the crops, with more to come!
But I'm not going to spoil all of those here! Craft them for yourselves and see! c; 








Flowers and Plants!

This mod also includes 23 new flowers and plants for your gardening pleasure!
Special attention and care was taken to ensure they look and behave as much like vanilla plants as possible. All of these flowers and plants will generate naturally in your world, with certain plants growing in certain biomes!

All of these flowers and plants originally belonged to another bumble mod called bum_Flora.
We no longer maintain bum_Flora, and all of Flora's content is now part of bum_Crops!




All flowers can be crafted into Dye, Potted, and allow Bees to feed on them!

A list of the included plants and flowers is below:



Cattails are a type of marsh grass that can commonly be found around swamps, creeks, rivers, and ponds. They grow long reeds with a dense head of puffy seeds on the top that, once ripened, will explode into a shower of thousands of puffy floating seeds! 

Cattail plants will be one of the more common plants you encounter near non-coastal waters in your world. Harvesting cattails will allow you to craft Cattail Reeds which can be used as a poor, but common early-game fuel source
I suppose one could eat the forbidden hotdog on the reed but.... 

 Maybe make a house out of them instead?





Thatch Blocks can be crafted from Cattail Reeds.
They behave similar to Copper, in that the block will change it's appearance and type over time.
When first crafted you'll have a bright green "Fresh Thatch" block. 
Over time this block will dry out into Faded Thatch or Dry Thatch. 





If you want to "refresh" your Thatch block - simply interact with it while holding a water bucket!


Be wary.. Dry Thatch is considerably flammable..!





Briars, also know as Brambles, are a type of thorny bush that cut and stab anything that is unfortunate enough to stumble into them.. They're commonly found in forests and other shady, wooded areas.




Briars provide a powerful utility as traps and defensive walls against both monsters and players, as any entities that stumble into the bush will begin taking damage every second until they get out of the bush! 

It's important to know that briars cannot kill - only hurt!




Aloe is a succulent plant found in arid regions and windowsills the world over!
Boasting many health benefits, Aloe Leaves can be eaten and used as a treatment for burns!

Aloe Leaves can be picked and will grow back over time, but be careful not to over-pick or else it will die! 
Consuming the Aloe Leaves will satiate your hunger and provide brief Fire Resistance!



Small Cactus!

You didn't think you were safe from Briars in the desert, did you?
Small Cactus' behave identically to Briars! No touchy!






  • Yellow and White varieties!
    - Plains, Forest, and Taiga biomes!





  • Pink, White, Blue, and Purple varieties!
    - Taiga and Mountain biomes!




  • (mostly Birch) Forest biomes!






  • Pink and Blue varieties!
    - Plain, Mountain, and Forest biomes!


Morning Glory!

- Mountain and Taiga biomes!







- Red, Orange, Yellow, and White varieties!
- Taiga, Forest, and Plain biomes!




- Mountain, Birch, and Roofed biomes!







 - Plain, Mountain, and rarely Forest biomes!



Small Rose!

 - Flower Forest and Sunflower Field biomes!
- Rare rose with a big secret..





Gold Rose!


 - ??? does not generate naturally ???
- How does one obtain it? .. I won't tell..
- Rumored to possess "supernatural qualities"..




"How do I pot a plant?"

Interact with a Flower Pot while holding the plant, OR craft at a crafting table. 




Aimless Horticulturist!

While many items can be found or crafted, most can be bought from our wandering trader; 
say, "Hello!" to the Aimless Horticulturist!







The Aimless Horticulturist is a trader who left their village in favor of living a nomadic lifestyle.
They're wonderfully friendly, if not a little spaced-out, and have a deep passion for botany and nature!
Most of their free time is spent traveling in search of rare and exotic plants and foods - which they'll happily sell to you!

They will buy and sell a variety of items; initially only 5 items at a time. 
As you trade with them more, they will slowly carry more stock, and a wider assortment of items!
Who knows, maybe after awhile they'll offer some super rare items!

They are most often found anywhere that animals can spawn - most commonly on grass paths.







 Learn to master the brew!

This mod introduces a brand new brewing mechanic that allows players to brew various types of Ale, Mead, and Wine.

There are currently 28 different possible brews; each with their own ingredients and effects! 
The process for brewing is slightly complicated and requires a few precursor ingredients, depending on what type of brew you're trying to make. 

I will give a brief explanation of the process below.

A Brief Introduction to Brewing!


First of all, we need to start with some Water and Sugar to prepare the Yeast for fermentation. 

At a Crafting Table use Bottled Water and Sugar to craft Sugar Water.
Once you have the Sugar Water, we're going to move to a Brewing Stand.




Put the Sugar Water into the bottom slots and for the reagent, we're going to put Yeast
By mixing Yeast and Sugar Water, we're priming the Yeast for fermentation and producing Activated Yeast

If you don't have any Yeast, it can be sometimes found as a byproduct when harvesting Shrooms.

Alternatively, you can produce Yeast with Bottled Water and Wheat at a Brewing Stand.




Now, depending on if you want to make Ale, Mead, or Wine; this next step will be different. 

You will want to keep your Activated Yeast in the bottom slot of the Brewing Stand:

For Ale; use Hops as the reagent.
For Wine; use Grapes as the reagent.
For Mead; use Honeycomb as the reagent.

This will produce a base for your final brew! 




Now that you have your Wort Base, Fermented Grapes, or Fermented Honey; you need a Keg block.

You can craft a Keg with a Barrel at a Crafting Table
Once you have your Keg, interact with it and you will see a bunch of recipe options in the crafting options. 

Each recipe will produce a unique blend with unique effects.
Keep track of your brews and learn the different effects!

Learn to master the brew!


Works great on servers and is perfect for economy roleplay! 
Figure out a good recipe? Brand it and sell to other players. STONKS!

Before you know it, you'll have competing breweries on your server! 





Herbal Teas!


Herbal Teas can be brewed from one of three different types of Herbs; Chamomile, Lavender, and Mint.

Each herb has unique effects that can be infused into tea!

Herbal Teas can be crafted at a Jabena, with a Mug and an Herb Bundle.


NOTE: To craft with a Jabena, it MUST be placed on a heat block.
(Magma, Furnace, Campfire, Smoker, Fire, etc.) 





The different types of Herbs can be found naturally generating in the wild and can be potted
To pot an herb, you can interact with an herb while holding a Flower Pot, OR put the Herb and a Flower Pot in a Crafting Table.

Interact with herbs to pick them!
Don't over-pick or they'll die!





Maple Syrup!



This mod also allows you to harvest Sap from Maple Logs to craft Maple Syrup!

The process is fairly simple. First craft a Sap Tap using Iron Ingots.
Afterward, find a Maple Tree, and use the Sap Tap on the side of the tree.





This will add a the tap block to the side of the tree! 
Over time, the bucket on the tap will slowly fill up with sap. 

Once full, interact to remove the Bucket of Sap, and put it in a Furnace.

This will craft Maple Syrup!







Maze Golems!

Maze Golems are shy, but loyal and helpful golems, with an affinity for gardening!

Once placed, they will tether to their location and serve as a sentry - attacking any monsters that get close!



Not only that, but any crops nearby will be automatically harvested and replanted by the golem.
Players can interact with them to open their inventory to retrieve crops or give them seeds. 
It's important to note that they can only plant on Farmland blocks.

They can even use bone meal for you!


Currently, this mob is only fully compatible with vanilla crops.

To summon one: 
Place a Carved Pumpkin on top of a Hay Bale, on top of a Fence.



They may be friendly, but do not remove their Carved Pumpkin with Shears..
You've been warned..





Requirements & Technical Info











Artwork and Design
- Vex // Discord: vex3442

Behaviors and Design
- Clouddspiderr // Discord: clouddspiderr

Behaviors and Design
- FallenToast // Discord: fall3ntoast


- DJ Stomp; Crop Trader improvements.


- FrailPolyphony; Spanish translations.


- HydrochloRick; French translations.

- Jropes; Portuguese translations.

- Vittorio; Italian translations.

- Arsin; Persian translations.

- Fundi1330; Ukrainian translations.

- СлонеСтев; Russian translations.

Special Thanks

Fallen Toast, Diamond Ruler, Rewby23, Jropes, GreatSkyRiver, KawaiiNightClaw, NeonAces, cole00cole00, DJ Stomp
and everyone else who has supported, encouraged, tested, and checked out the mod throughout the years! You make it worthwhile. 
We do it for you. <3

All artwork and included assets are original and were created by BUMTEAM and Mojang Studios.


1. In Private/Undistributed Modpacks!
2. On Servers!
3. On Youtube!
4. To Learn From!

... AS LONG AS YOU GIVE CREDIT!! (-    is that so much to ask? c:    -)



1. In Publicly Redistributed Modpacks.
2. On Other Websites.
3. To Profit/Make Money.
4. As Your Own.




--:: 12/13/2024 ::--

Howdy once again, bums!

It's nice to speak to you again, and we hope you've all been doing wonderful as the year comes to a close.
I lament about this often, but time is a pretty crazy thing. In the present it feels like a moment can last forever, but in hindsight it's like months and years pass by us at increasingly breakneck speeds. 

Whatever it is you do with the moments slipping past you - make sure it counts.
Nobody deserves to live with regrets of wasted time.
Time is valuable.


This update fixes a couple minor issues and introduces waterlogging, tool parity, and makes it so crops and flowers can be broken with water. Auto farmers rejoice!

This will likely be the last update to bum_Crops for a bit..
We're going to start putting time into bum_Rascals - formerly bum_Fauna!
Keep an eye out and consider joining us in the BUMBLE Discord to follow development!

 Stay Wonderful.



Please leave any ideas, suggestions, or complaints below! 
Your criticism helps us grow!


until next time...

Stay safe and keep on blockin'.




 You should join us in the BUMBLE Discord We're friendly!

It's a helpful community of friendly bums where you can get early access to BUMBLE content, test INDEV builds, and mingle with your fellow bums!





BUMBLE content will ALWAYS be 100% free. NEVER behind sketchy ad-walls.


Do you enjoy bumble content? Consider donating some pocket change!


creator: clouddspiderr
Topic starter Posted : 01/12/2020 9:12 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 19/01/2025 5:12 pm