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Bundlepacks (Backpacks)
This add-on adds 16 backpacks to the game! They allow you to move large amounts of items from place to place or to use them for efficient inventory management.
Each bundlepack can hold 27 stacks of items at a time.
The default bundlepack can be crafted as follows:
Or if you want to organise your items by colour, you can create a coloured bundlepack by putting a dye into the center of the bundlepack:
Below are the 16 colours avaliable, plus one undyed.
And here it is!
How to use:
- Hold the item in your hand
- Right click to open the bundlepack as a normal container.
- Hold the item in your hand
- Use the interact button to open the bundlepack as a normal container.
- Hold the item in your hand
- Wait for the open button to appear above your hotbar
- Press the button and use the bundlepack as a normal container.
There are some items that are unable to be stored inside bundlepacks due to technical limitations. A sound plays if the item doesn't work and a message will appear in chat.
- Version: 1.4.0
- Requires 1.21.30 or newer
- Added the ability to dye bundlepacks
- Put a dye item in the center of the recipe to dye it.
- note: this has to be done initially due to engine limitations, you can't craft a bundlepack and re-dye it at a later point.
- Moved to 1.21.30 min engine version.
- The following block can now be placed into bundlepacks:
- purpur_block
- purpur_pillar
- cobblestone_wall
- mossy_cobblestone_wall
- granite_wall
- diorite_wall
- andesite_wall
- sandstone_wall
- brick_wall
- stone_brick_wall
- mossy_stone_brick_wall
- nether_brick_wall
- end_stone_brick_wall
- prismarine_wall
- red_sandstone_wall
- red_nether_brick_wall
- sponge
- wet_sponge
- Added an additional line of lore under the item name: "Right Click to Open"
- Updated the item texture to an improved version.
- Added the ability to put the bundlepack in your off-hand. Unfortunately, this doesn't show on the back
creator: hatchibombotar
Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2024 6:54 pm
Topic starter Posted : 30/09/2024 3:26 pm