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MCPE/Bedrock Butchery Addon (BETA)

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Butchery Addon (BETA)


Isn’t it pretty easy to get meat in minecraft? Just punch a cow a few times, and you get meat that is good even if you don’t cook it. In real life that takes weeks to butcher, chill, and cook the meat. This addon makes it a little bit more complicated…


What is this addon?

This addon makes harvesting meat from animals a lot harder than it was before. You can no longer just hit a cow a few times and get meat that you can easily cook in any furnace. It adds more tools, a new death system, and a new machine thing.

How to get Raw Meat

To get meat you have to first get raw meat. To get raw meat you need to kill an animal, like you regularly would. As of right now this addon only supports cows (beef), pigs (porkchops), sheep (mutton), and chickens (chicken). But after you kill an animal it might turn out different than it normally would…




After you kill the animal, you will get a dead variant of whatever animal it was. If you kill the dead animal, you will get nothing, so don’t try. You need the two new tools added into this addon, the Knife (see below) and also the Cleaver (also see below). First you need to use the knife on the animal to get a skinned animal carcass.

Here’s a picture of a very ugly skinned cow…

Once you skin the animal it will drop some items depending on the animal. Cows drop 4-6 leather, sheep drop 1 wool, chickens drop a few feathers, and sheep drop nothing. After the animal has been skinned it is ready to be cut up. You need to use the cleaver on it 3 times, and it drops 1-2 meat per cut.

Here is what a cow looks like partway through the chopping thing

Next up i’ll show

The Tools

This addon adds two new tools to the game, used for getting meat from animals.

The Knife

The knife is the tool for skinning the animals after you kill them. It also deals 4 damage.

Knife Crafting Recipe

The Cleaver

The Cleaver is the tool for chopping up the animals to get meat from them. It deals 6 damage.

Cleaver Crafting Recipe


But how do I cook it?

You’re probably not asking this question, because you’re probably reading this before you try out the addon, but you can’t eat the meat raw. Well, actually you can, but you should only eat it raw if you want just one hunger point, along with Poison II and hunger. And just to add to the fun, you also can’t cook the meat. If you do you will get burnt meat, which you can’t eat or do anything with. By the way now would be a good time to mention that there is a variant for beef, porkchops, mutton, and chicken for all of the stages of meat you will make, including burnt. Also, due to being unable to override vanilla furnace recipes, I had to make my own raw meats so you can’t just cook it and get cooked meat, so if you’re using this in creative, you can’t use the meat in the creative inventory, you have to kill an animal to get it. Also you need to craft the tools, they don’t show up in the creative inventory either, only the Chiller Crate and the Meat Chiller. (I’ll get to those in a second). Anyway, back to the subject. To cook the meat, you first need to chill it, and to do that you need…

The Meat Chiller and the Chiller Crate

To chill the meat in this addon you need to get the machine-ish thing called the Meat Chiller. You can get the Meat Chiller by crafting the Chiller Crate and then breaking it.

The Chiller Crate next to the Meat Chiller

Chiller Crate Crafting Recipe

After you place the Meat Chiller you’ll probably wonder how to use it. Its pretty self explanatory. If you use some raw meat then you’ll see it in the chiller and the little doors on top will close and and a 30 second timer will start.


Getting ready to put some Raw Beef into the Meat Chiller


Waiting for the Raw Beef to finish chilling


After the 30 second timer is done the Meat Chiller will open back up and you will be able to grab the chilled meat! (again it works with meats other than beef. Beef is just an example)


Chilled Beef ready to be grabbed!


Lets get cooking!


The Final Step!

Now that you finally have your chilled meat, its time to cook it. This can be done with a furnace, a smoker, or even a campfire. You will have to cook it twice. First you cook the chilled meat to get thawed meat, which can be, finally, cooked into cooked meat. (P.S. I know the thawed meats have the same textures as the raw meats, its not a mistake)

Chilled to thawed…

And finally, thawed to cooked


Last notes and credits (well only one)

You might be wondering why you should download this addon. It might seem all bad and no good, but there is one thing that you would want it for (unless you want a more RL Craft experience, this is kinda made for that). You’d want it because it might be bad in the beginning of the game, you might even die of hunger, but in the long run, after you have the tools and the Meat Chiller, you realize that every animal gives 3-6 meat per animal, which is WAY more than usual. (by the way if dakonblackrose wants to use this for his RL Craft Addon he can). It is perfect for RL Craft, and its also good for the normal game. Its just good all around. So that’s why you should install it.






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Another Note - I'm really sorry for using a link shortener, but you going through the trouble of going through it gives me some money every time, so if everyone does that once, then the money really adds up. Thanks for downloading!


creator: NYANCAT364


Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2020 7:04 pm