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Carnivo’chicken Add-on
Carnivo’Chicken is a prehistoric carnivorous chicken that will attack mobs for meat.
She is a very agile and fast predator, and there are five variants.
See below how it works:
They are always hungry and will attack the following Mobs:
- horse
- player
- zombie
- cow
- chicken
- pig
- sheep
- rabbit
- ocelot
- cat
- donkey
- mule
- spider
- parrot
- illager
- witch
- wandering trader
- cavespider
- llama
- villager
- Enderman
- Polarbear
- Panda
- Mushroom cow
Despite being aggressive they fear wolves and foxes.
They spawn naturally in the world and you can use eggspawns in creative mode.
Added new mobs to the target list:
- Panda
- Mushroom cow
Removed random stroll behavior
Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2020 3:19 pm