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MCPE/Bedrock Caves & Caves

Illustrious Member Admin

Caves & Caves


Given waiting for the new caves on the Bedrock edition platform, OS I bring a template with new types of cavernous biomes and spectacular generations, like a new type of cave …


LushWe start with the first biome:

                       The Lush Caves

Lush Caves !! A fascinating environment with fascinating flora and fauna. Beautiful shiny vines and spores everywhere. A perfect place to spend your days under the underground.

Currently Lush Caves is generated from biomes !! Yes, cavernous biomes !! And you know what they say, if there is an azalea tree there will be a Lush Caves very close!

let’s continue with a very dangerous biome …..

                         Dripstone Caves

An aggressive and lava-filled environment, it goes without saying that you can die instantly upon entering this cave …

With huge heaps of Stalactites and Stalagmites and an extensive curve covered by a long lava lake. I think you will like this environment if you are a good explorer.

Technical steps.

– Improved cave generation

– Surface height increased from 64 blocks.

– Adaptive performance.

– Underground aquifers and aqueducts on the surface.

– Caves lakes

– Dripstone Caves

– Lush Caves



Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2021 5:54 pm