C&C Concept (Biomes Update)
Yes, as you saw in the title, this is an addon that tries to imitate all the features of 1.17 Caves and Cliffs
This addon adds all the blocks of 1.17 and some functions such as the fall in the dripleaf or the damage in stalagmites and the functional spyglass but since we are in bedrock You already know that you will always see some limitations so that some functions are not added as the bundles or some other things
Without further description I will show you some screenshots of what the addon is and also what it was in its development version along with images of some models that were used at the beginning of the first addon versions
1. Improved Caves and Aquifers
Did you see this giant caves in minecon live? Well Now you can explore them and even make a base if you want ( They can also spawn without aquifers )
2.Lush Caves
Did you seen this Type of caves with lot of vegetation? Now you can explore them ( Generation without bugs have been added 😀 )
3. Axolotls
Meet the cutest predators of the story, you can pick up them with a bucket of water and they will be yours, they can even fake her deaths for distract some hostile underwater mobs like drowneds or guardians
4. Deepslate
These type of stone spawns on the deepest parts of the world making the Deep Dark Biome ( starts to spawn at y25 ) And they can also spawn with sculk sensor, sculk chute, sculk growth, sculk trap and wardens
5. Dripstone Caves Generation
( These caves Depends of the new experimental caves and cliffs features of beta ) These caves with stalactites are dangerous and you can find them spawn randomly in some places ( they have a masive variant with so much stalactites and big holes )
Well that was everything from this addon, I will add much more and functions of blocks
Now just watch some images from the addon
Thanks for reading :b
1. Fixed again the lush caves gen ( giant clay lakes in everywhere )
2. Reduced chance of found a lush cave
3. Reduced chance of get Giant caves with aquifers
creator: https://twitter.com/Consome47639383