CG! Dusttrust Sans Add-on
"An RPG Game In Where Everyone Should Die"
"it is the main description on the Dusttrust Fangame"
Oh hi, I'm CTG2255, the add-on creator. It's been 1 month, I have finished the demo for this add-on, thanks for patience. now, we move on the main description section.
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Now we are studying the info or status section of this Dusttrust Sans Add-on.
Dusttrust Sans:
3.LOVE(this includes acronym):20
1.Bone:Can Give Deadly Damage,They Have Variations, Such As Blue And Orange Bones.
2.Sharp Bone:Just like an ordinary bone, but it can pierce the target deadly
3.Gaster Blaster:Lasers That Can Burn Their Bodies
4.Telekinesis attack:Upcoming.
Here are some pictures in the game:
Also, thank you for downloading this Add-on.
oh yeah, don't forget to give me credit, if you showcase it.
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