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MCPE/Bedrock Changer Skin - VN,EN,日本,中国

Illustrious Member Admin

Changer Skin - VN,EN,日本,中国


Have you ever wanted to quickly change what you're wearing? Or do you want a store that can sell apparel items? Furthermore? for your requirements, this package will be a great utility for you.

🚨Please enable BETA APIs and Holiday Creator to be able to use addons.
🚨Support Custom Size Pack.

💠The add-on pack includes 20 customizable outfits, various options and the ability to replace them
💠Store data online via the map, you will not have to worry about the settings automatically restoring to the original state even after exiting the game.
💠Multi-language support includes: VIETNAM, ENGLISH, JAPAN, CHINA



🔰After installing the utility package, use the items as shown below to configure the server

🔸or you can use /give @s mia:mia0 to get items
▶️After completing the configuration steps, you can use the functions listed below:


♦️ Tag With Entity
 ♦️ Tag With Player
In Tag with Entity [will open a Change Form when that entity has a Tags]:

In Tag with Player [will Changer Skin player if player has Tags]
🔸/tag "mia" add "skin:number"
🔻number is the number of skins in ascending order
🔻ex: /tag "mia" add "skin:13"
🔸As I said above, you can use it to create a store and sell your outfits


⚠️to change the addons settings, Use that ittems again to open the Settings Form
➕In the settings there will be 5 options:
1️⃣Edit Form - change the skin form
2️⃣Edit Map - Change server settings such as server name, usage tags
3️⃣Log - View a log of player actions on the map
➕In the Log there will be 3 options:

🔸TimeZone - change server timezone
🔸Clear Data - will delete all data collected in the log
🔸Auto Clean - log count counter, which is automatically deleted when the maximum allowed level is exceeded

4️⃣Changer Language - Change the language of the server or yourself
🔻default when a player first joins the server, will be set to the server's language
5️⃣Information - List of icons that can be used in addons

More Ui:

✴️And here, the best thing about this addons is that you can change the outfit to the outfit you want, Maximum is 20
How to change it?
➕First, go to the addons resource pack
➕Find the entity folder in the textures/entity path
➕You will see a list of images with numbers from 1 -> 20
➕What you need to do is replace your images with any of these images
Note: your image name must match the replacement image name 

💬Need any help, want to suggest a new feature or chat? contact me on:

Discord: mialui#0489

Facebook: mialuii

Youtube: @luimia

Video Showcase: 




Multi Language, More icons,Update 20 skin, support admin tags


creator: Mia

Topic starter Posted : 23/04/2024 2:44 pm