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MCPE/Bedrock Cheaper Armor Trim Crafting

Illustrious Member Admin

Cheaper Armor Trim Crafting


If we are being honest, the new armor trims are by far the best addition in Minecraft's latest update. However, after finding the templates for the trims, you must use 7 diamonds just to craft 1 new one. In my opinion, that is a little too expensive for something purely cosmetic. Because of this I have added a new recipe to duplicate any template after the player finds is.


The new recipes added in this addon are all the same with with the exception of the armor trim being used at the center. The crafting is one template surrounded by 4 pieces of iron.

And that's the addon! There isn't that much to it, so it is just a behavior pack. If you find any bugs please comment them and I will fix them asap. If re-downloading this addon later, delete old version before doing so.


Take the Behavior Pack link, then click free access, then click download on blue button towards the top right.


Topic starter Posted : 14/06/2023 10:07 pm