Chikorita Lover's Coffee Add-On
Chikorita Lover's Coffee Add-On is a vanilla-style add-on for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition that adds new, coffee-related blocks and items to the base game! Players can grow and harvest coffee plants for brewing, decoration, or trading. Coffee bottles temporarily allow players to avoid being targeted by phantoms and inflicted with Slowness.
Coffee beans
Coffee beans are seeds used to plant coffee shrubs or obtain ground coffee. They can be planted on the following surfaces: grass blocks, podzol, dirt, coarse dirt, farmland, mud, and muddy mangrove roots. Journeyman-level farmer villagers may offer to buy 18 coffee beans for an emerald. Coffee beans are obtained from coffee berries and destroying immature coffee shrubs. Some wandering traders may sell coffee beans for three emeralds.

A coffee shrub has eight age stages, and has a 50% chance to advance to the next stage after receiving a random tick. When destroyed or interacted with while bearing berries, the coffee shrub will drop two to three coffee berries. Coffee shrubs generate naturally as random patches in jungle biomes; each chunk within a jungle biome has a one-in-16 chance of generating with a patch of up to six coffee shrubs.

Coffee berries
Coffee berries are food items harvested from mature coffee shrubs. They can be eaten to restore as much hunger and saturation as sweet berries, or crafted into coffee beans.

Ground coffee
Ground coffee is used in decoration and brewing. Ground coffee can craft blocks of ground coffee, or can be used in brewing coffee bottles. Ground coffee is obtained from coffee beans. Apprentice-level cleric villagers will take ground coffee and an emerald in exchange for a coffee bottle.

Coffee bottle
Coffee bottles are unstackable drink items that inflict mobs with a caffeine effect, as well as restoring two hunger and 4.8 saturation. The caffeine effect lasts for three minutes and provides immunity to Slowness. Phantoms won't target players with caffeine; however, if a player attacks a phantom, the phantom will retaliate. A coffee bottle can be obtained by trading with apprentice-level cleric villagers, or brewing ground coffee into a potion or water bottle.

Block of coffee beans
Blocks of coffee beans are decorative blocks crafted from nine coffee beans each. They can also serve as storage blocks; nine coffee beans can be retrieved from a block of coffee beans.

Block of ground coffee
Blocks of ground coffee are decorative blocks crafted from nine ground coffee each. They can also serve as storage blocks; nine ground coffee can be retrieved from a block of ground coffee.


Known bugs
If you encounter any bugs during gameplay, please open an issue on the GitHub repository:
- Coffee bottles can be brewed with any potion
- Planting coffee shrub produces stone sound
- Using pick block or Silk Touch on a coffee shrub returns block
Coffee Add-On version 1.0.4 fixes issues related to coffee beans.
- Coffee beans can now be planted on _Minecraft_ versions 1.19.0 and later
Holiday Creator Features and Creation of Custom Biomes must both be enabled for the add-on to work as intended.
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