chusFishing (Life of the Sea) v1.6
Take a look around, there's new forms of life appearing in the ocean! Explore different corners of the world and find different kinds of fish, from rivers to the ocean to deep underground, there's much to be found in this addon called chusFishing.
Welcome to chusFishing! An addon aiming to add to Minecraft what I think is lacking in fishing. Which is variety! From anglerfish to stonefish, there's currently 16 fish atm.
I've programmed fish to be able to be captured and found in different biomes of the world, and only in the overworld as of now (I tried with lava but to no avail, please let me know if anyone finds a way to make it so the fishing hook doesn't just disappear when in lava). Which I think incentivizes exploring different areas and experimenting to see what you find!
This addon works by modifying the fishing_hook entity file. And similarly to the jungle in the original, changes the loot table to whatever biome it is in.

- There is over 30 fish to be found! Each having there own effect when you eat them.

- This update changes a lot, there's now only 16 fish compared to the 30+ there was earlier. And now are entities for each of the existing fish.
- Fixed Bugs, and major optimizations to the code.

While fishing, you can sometimes find scrolls in a bottle as a treasure item, you can put this into a crafting table to take the cork off and get the scroll inside, the original idea was to make it so that the scrolls would show different parts of the game to give hints on where to go for the end game, but now it's only one, the wither. And can be used to help the player and for decoration.
chusFishing (Aquatic Civilization)
- Merfolk (Fish type NPC's that live in underwater cities).
chusFishing (Extinct Dangers)
- Carcharocles Megalodon (Summonable through obtaining ancient fossils, and mixing it with some sort of magical item)
- Guardians (It's a fish so it counts lol, drops this magical item instead of a sponge, along with some other powerful item)
chusFishing (Plunder and Wonder)
- Anchor (Used as a weapon via attacking using melee or placing it and having it drop on mobs like an anvil)
- Modified Tridents (Similar to netherite upgrading, can use tridents to upgrade or degrade? tridents in the smithing forge, also changing the repair material).
chusFishing (Ender Mender)
- Adds new fish to the end.
- Kind of have to construct your own ponds or from other mods.
- Flying ender fish boss.
chusFishing (Bait and Switch)
- Adds regular-master bait.
- When you switch to the fishing rod add a luck type effect to the fishing rod.
chusFishing (Tip the Scales)
- Craft different things with scales from fish.
- Alloy scales together to make new ones!
- Brewing with scales give old/new potions.
- Rare Scales can give potion effects when near a candle made by it.
- Redid ALL the textures, and added food to the mod!
- Added potion affects to SOME of the fish, and changed the nutrition and time to eat values. Also added a placeholder "piranha teeth" item to piranhas, this will have a texture and a use later...
v1.5 (BETA)
- Focused on quality over the quantity of fish. And added some entities of the fish.
- Added all the fish into entity form, removed potion effect idea for now.
- Added scroll in a bottle into the treasure loot pool.
- Added scrolls, and scroll blocks.
- Turns out I DIDNT remove potion effects from the fish, so I left it.
- Download Add-On
- Import it to the game by opening file with Minecraft
- Start making a new world with the behavior pack and resource pack named "chusFishing" enabled.
- Enable Experimental "Holiday Creator Features"
- Create World
- Enjoy!