Java Edition's exclusive cinematic camera in Bedrock Edition! Uses simple chat commands and UI to control the speed of camera, launch and stop the Cinematic Camera. Useful at recording footages an videos.

This small addon adds Java Edition like cinematic cameras.
How to use?
To start using it, use command ">cinecam" or ">cinecam ui" in chat.

It will open the UI:
>> Smooth strength: Speed of camera: low value is faster and bigger value is slower, more cinematic.
>> Disable strength limit: By default strength has limits - from 0.25 to 5.00. This switch disables it.
>> Allow moving: walking in cinematic mode is a bit unstable. This switch makes you able to move. Enabled by default.
Click "Submit" to start cinematic camera! To stop it use chat command:
>cinecam stop
>> Beta-arguments:
Here is the place where new functions are "born".
Most of functions are unstable for a while after adding them, so I added beta-arguments.
Beta-arguments is a JSON line, which includes unstable properties.
Beta arguments are disabled by default.
To enable them you need to be a cinecam admin. To turn an admin use this command:
/tag *player name or "@s" if you want to turn admin* add cinecam_admin
Now you can use another command ">cineadmin":
This command has only one argument for now: "enable_beta_args"
Using the command below you'll enable beta-arguments in this world:
>cineadmin enable_beta_args true
You can start using beta-arguments!
There is a beta property - zoom. Basic example of using zoom in beta-arguments field:
{ "zoom": "10.0" }
This JSON zooms the camera in for 10 blocks.
Beta argumentshiftcan not be used with zoom. It adds shoulder-shifted third person camera. Example:
{"shift": {"x": -3.5, "z:": -4}}
x is the right-left movement and z is the distance from camera.

This JSON shifts the camera right 3.5 block and back 4 blocks. You can use negative numbers to shift to left/forward.
Zoom and shift are currently beta parameters because they can lead to X-Ray. They may be removed in future or remain beta.
Addon's UI is translated to Russian and Ukrainian (thanks to my friend Xindor)!
For those who used the addon before:
CineCam was originally a CLI addon but now it uses UI to interact with.
Old cinecam commands like>c inecam launch are still in the addon, but CLI version is not maintained from this day. All new features are added to the UI.
Version 2.1.0:
- Added new parameter "Move with Smooth Strength" (disabled by default).
- Some steps done to add "Zoom" as non-beta parameter soon.
- Changed "Shift" parameter syntax. Now its an object with 2 parameters - x and z.
Enable all the experimental features in the world settings.