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MCPE/Bedrock Cinematic Creator - Save Cinematics!

Illustrious Member Admin

Cinematic Creator - Save Cinematics!


Make easy and smooth cinematic scenes with just a few simple and useful tools under five minutes with no experimental features requirements or coding knowledge; works for both multiplayer and singleplayer worlds including realms!

  • Getting Started :

  To enter cinematic mode, run the command /function start, in case that happens and you really need to use it, use this developer command /function hlp/request

If you joined a world, put an item in your hot bar and remove it later to avoid receiving errors upon running /function start.


  • Add-On Basics :

 In order to start your cinematic, you first need at least 2 Cinematic Markers and one Focus Marker (any type) but make sure you don't have both; you can remove the markers by right clicking on them or by using the red minus icon.

 To access the other markers use the green plus icon in your 3rd hot bar slot (Right Click) it will take you to a different hot bar where you can use multiple markers, to go back to your main hot bar use the grey X icon.


 After everything is done, feel free to use the blue triangle to start your cinematic, if returns an error in chat, make sure to read it to see what it is wrong with your setup.


  • Add-On Advancements : 

  To use Dynamic Focus Point you'll need to summon it next to an entity or player (this does not include you nor items).

 Otherwise it will return an error and clear the marker you spawned.

 You can use the lightning bolt items to increase, decrease and set speed back to default which is Speed 5.

 When the cinematic is started, you can use the two red lines to pause the cinematic and the blue triangle in your 2nd hot bar slot to jump to the next marker. For exiting/ending the cinematic you can wait for it to reach the last marker or use the grey x icon.

  • How to remove markers :

 Right-clicking on markers will mark them as removeable and you can notice that by the texture change.

 If you right click again on the same marker it will get removed but you have to do it before it resets which takes 3 seconds.

  • How to save cinematic scenes :

 Right-clicking on disk item from the main hotbar then decide which disk you want to use to store your scene.

 But make sure your setup is valid otherwise you'll end up with an error message. You can also do it manually through commands :

 However this method is unsafe, you can overwrite already existing scenes without receiving an error or confirmation panel.

  • Troubleshooting : 

 This addon is still in Beta which means you can encounter a few bugs, if anything breaks try using these commands.

  • /function _ : used to display all unread logged errors. note that all logs are cleared after using the command and exiting the cinematic mode.
  • /function exit_tool : if a player in cinematic mode left the world and you can't use it, use this command to force-kick players from the mode.
  • /function hlp/request : if you are uncomfortable with kicking other players from cinematic mode, you can force your way in with this command.


  • Added Support for 1.20.0 and 1.20.1
  • Downgraded Engine Version to support 1.19.70
  • Fixed an issue where the start function doesn't work
  • Removed function command limit


You have full permission to utilise this add-on to create cinematics for media publishing and marketing, credits are appreciated but not required, we hope you enjoy using it.


Topic starter Posted : 31/01/2023 6:05 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 29/06/2023 5:50 pm