Conflictic Honor | Orcs Update
Conflictic Honor addon provides a variety of mobs with the aim of bringing a new experience and perspective to the Minecraft Bedrock game with unique battles, great animations, effects, and sounds.
Conflictic Honor addon provides a variety of mobs with the aim of bringing a new experience and perspective to the Minecraft Bedrock game with unique battles, great animations, effects, and sounds.
Unlike the previous Soulless Knight Update, this Orcs Update does not bring a "Boss" as such, but the objective of this is for the "Boss" to be when all the orcs are together in their village. Each orc complements another, they work as a team and interact with each other to defeat intruders, ranged attacks, melee attacks, annoying dwarves, a support orc and etc.
Challenge the orcish camps and village, will you be able to defeat the orcs? Face immersive combat with enemies with advanced behavior, play smart or perish.
This update also add the "Low Detail Mode" with new models and textures made by Sebastian9380.
If the addon crashes the game, enable Low Detail Mode or Ultra Low Detail mode on Behavior Pack.
The Soulless Knight update brings us the Soulless Knight, a knight who swore to serve his king. Even after death, not even someone so powerful was expected that something as insignificant as words could have such power. His wish became a curse consuming his soul and corrupting it, even as an undead what was left of humanity was overshadowed by the desire to protect what was left of the castle and his most beloved king even if he was no longer in this world.
When you kill Soulless Knight, you get his curse, the Dark Soul Curse, that allows you to use his weapons.

The Captain Orc is a master in combat, due to his extensive experience in battle, he developed many combat skills to finish off his enemies. He is the strongest Orc in the village, he is capable of performing unique combos by combining several individual attacks using his preferred weapon, the Bardiche and its fists.
This Orc has the most advanced behavior of the Addon, even more than the Soulless Knight, you can try to fight with him and discover it yourself.

Low Detail Model:

The Adult Orc is a young Orc without much experience in battle and weapons, he is a forger and a gatherer. He uses his own fists for combat, as that is the only thing he can do. Let himself be carried away by his instincts and massacre his enemies with pure brute force. This orc can carry Dwarf Orcs (Mob shown later) in his bucket, where they can throw them if his enemy is too far away.

Low Detail Model:

The Cannoneer Orc, as its name suggests, is capable of carrying a cannon and using it as a lethal weapon. He carries 6 bombs on his waist and chest, with which he recharges the cannon. Despite being a huge Orc, the recoil of the cannon will make him retreat. This orc attacks both at a distance and at close range. When he runs out of ammunition, he will only attack melee, but he will also be able to use the Dwarf Orcs (Mob shown later) as ammunition and will be able to replenish the ammunition using the Bomb Box (Block shown below).

Low Detail Model:

The Dwarf Orc is the most annoying and stupid Orc that exists. They are extremely annoying and cowardly, they are capable of opening doors and breaking your things. They only attack from behind, like the cowards they are, when they burn, they spread the fire everywhere. They really are very stupid and, at the same time, funny. They can climb into the bucket of the Adult Orc (Mob shown above) and throw stones from there in order to annoy his opponent with the knockback. They are used as ammunition by the Cannoneer Orc (Mob shown above) and can collect bombs from the Bomb Box (Block shown later) and commit suicide alongside their enemies. Why don't they just throw it away? The answer was given at the beginning of this description in the Ninth word.

Low Detail Model:

The Mage Orc is the leader of the village, not because he is the strongest, but the most intelligent, he is able to use magic thanks to his intelligence, making him the most suitable to lead the orcish village. He sits on his throne in his chambers, and when there is an intruder, he will get up and teleport to the nearest orc. This orc has the role of Support, he can use area skills, heal the orcs, and give them shields that will make the orcs immune to any attack for 4 hits. This orc always keeps his distance from his enemies so as not to receive damage, and if you get too close, he will use his teleportation ability and stay close to the other orcs.

Low Detail Model:

Broken and weathered sword, soaked in the blood of his enemies, a sword that has severed countless heads and is imbued with the power of a corrupted soul. Using this power drains the vitality of those with a pure soul.
You can only use this weapon if you have the dark soul curse, which is obtained only by killing the soulless knight, otherwise, it will hurt you when equipping it. You can also obtain it manually using the command "/tag @s add dark_soul_curse".
When holding the sword it will appear custom slots with his abilities, crough and interact to change slot and interact to use the ability.
The 1st is the Basic Attack slow and strong slash, that deals 21 damage to enemies.

Dodge: The 2nd ability is a movement ability that will help you move faster and avoid enemy attacks.

Charge Attack: the 3rd ability is an attack that uses the power of the dark soul to charge a powerful lunge attack that causes great damage, the longer this attack is charged, the more damage will cause, be careful as dark power drains vitality from those with a pure soul.

Jump Attack: Pressing the jump button twice consecutively in survival or adventure mode performs an attack in which he makes a great jump and then falls and does great damage in the area, this attack can be combined with the charged attack using the interaction button or by pressing and holding the screen on touch devices.

Used and worn chestplate, power and blood lie stained on it, a token of the countless battles its previous owner took part in.
You can only use this armor if you have the dark soul curse, which is obtained only by killing the soulless knight, otherwise, it will hurt you when equipping it. You can also obtain it manually using the command "/tag @s add dark_soul_curse".
This chestplate is unbreakable and protects 10 points of armor, because its have been corrupted, its enchantability is not very good.

The Bardiche, is the weapon used by the Captain Orc, it can be created from the orc anvil (Block shown later), it is a fast weapon with good range and has the ability to make a charge attack that will carry the enemy and perform a finish. The charge attack will display an element on the HUD showing the Cooldown of this attack.


The Orc Cannon is a single-use destructive weapon, it is dropped by the Cannoneer Orc and when used it sends you flying due to its recoil and is destroyed, so use it carefully.


The Automatic Crossbow, as its name suggests, is a crossbow with a system to use it automatically and fire consecutive arrows. Can be created from the Orc anvil (Block shown later)


The Magic Wand used by the Mage Orc is nothing more than a wooden stick that is used to channel mana, but for that, you must first have mana. To obtain mana (for now there is only evil mana), you must form a pentagram with red paint that is created using red paint or a red flower and a bowl and interact with the wand in the center, sacrificing several levels of experience and vitality.
When it is ready, the red paint will turn green as it has evil mana channeled into it. The next step is to obtain the mysterious liquid from the Orc Mage's cauldron. You will have to sneak into an Orc Village and steal the liquid from the cauldron in his chambers with an empty glass bottle. Do not break the cauldron, or you will lose the liquid. Once you have obtained the bottle, you must drink it in the center of the pentagram previously drawn, if you do it correctly you will obtain the evil mana and a container of mana will appear on the HUD, otherwise, if you do it incorrectly, you will obtain a series of negative effects from the mysterious liquid.
Once the mana is obtained, custom slots will appear when holding the Wand, where the Orc Mage's abilities can be used.
You change slots by interacting with the staff while crouching.

Only obtainable by killing the Mage Orc.
Similar to stone bricks but its bricks are smaller, they are obtained in the stone cutter by cutting stonebricks


Small Stonebricks Stairs:


Dark crystal that casts a shadow on the face covered by a block which gives it a darker feeling, a crystal that witnessed a bloody battle.


Curved Gotic Glass:


A structural and decorative block that uses deepslate and stone as an ingredient to achieve greater resistance to structural loads.


Structural and decorative stone that, depending on the placement, can act as a column or as a beam.


Vertical structural pillar of smaller dimension, this pillar also acts as a decoration, placing a support if a pillar of the same type is not detected above or below.


Torch holder that can also be used as a decoration.


Decorative piece that reinforces the union between the wall and the floor made from the large stone plinth


Double stone plinth used for corners.

Carved stone decoration is generally used on walls.


Double sculptured stone decoration used for corners.

Decorative stone wall.


Stone decoration made from the large stone plinth.


These heavy chests are merely decorative, they cost a bit to open unlike normal chests, you must interact several times to open them.


Thatched Roof is used for economic constructions in materiality.


Thatched Block used to complete the top faces of a thatched roof.


Trunks carved in the shape of a point, used to scare away intruders and as a decorative means.


Pieces of wood on the ground that are used to build. Used as a decorative means.

Only obtainable in Orc Villages, but you can use it to craft sticks.
Practice Dummy, used for training, detects the number of damage received and bounces depending on the direction of the damage. You can pick it up by crouching and interacting.


Red Paint used for painting in the ground.


Box containing a certain number of bombs. Used to replenish the ammunition of the Cannoneer Orcs, when broken or when interacted, they will explode, be careful!

Low Detail Model:


Cauldron found in the chambers of the Mage Orc, containing a liquid with suspicious substances. If you break the cauldron, the liquid will be lost, but it can be obtained by using empty glass bottles.

Only obtainable in Orc Village.
Special anvil, used by Forging Orcs to create their weapons and armor and use them in battle. This block has a custom interface when used and is used to assemble weapon parts.

Only obtainable in Orc Village.
Chest used by Orcs to store valuable belongings, sometimes Dwarf Orcs want to feel important and usually sleep there.


It is generated only once per world, it is always found in the coordinates X: 100, Z: 100, being that the height varies depending on the generation of the terrain, it can also be generated in the underground.
Towers can be spawned with custom chests that contain resources to help you fight the Soulless Knight. These towers are spawned diagonally from the main tower, where the Soulless Knight is. Due to world spawn limitations, you must move closer to the position of the tower to be generated.

Small exploration camp with resources and sometimes with a captured villager. It is generated in forests with various types of wood and is habited by 3 Dwarf Orcs.

Orc Camp where two Adult Orcs and 4 Dwarf Orcs live, they have resources, weapons and use the captured villagers as labor for the extraction of minerals. The camp is surrounded by a wall of pointed logs that adapt to the terrain of the world.

Orc Village, an Orc colonization with training areas, watchtowers, armory, forge and houses (50% chance to generate with villagers building them). Each structure inside adapts to the terrain of the world. In this village, there are many orcs. Will you be able to conquer them?

With a 10% chance, every mob in the Addon can spawn in an enraged state, including bosses. In this state, monsters will deal almost double the damage and have almost double the health. Those that drop these monsters will be in an enraged state, where they will do double the damage, or, in the case of the Magic Wand, it will consume less mana.
You can set an entity to enraged state using the command "/event entity @e minecraft:buffed_event"

The orcs will be able to Raid Vanilla Villages to capture the villagers and use them as labor. First, they will kill the golem and then capture the villagers. The raids towards the villages will be a large group of orcs. Raids will be randomly generated when the player is in a village for a long time. When a Raid is generated, a message with animation will appear on the screen.
Orc raids can also be generated in the players' houses, the houses are defined by the spawn point, that is, when interacting with a bed, a timer will start that will randomly try to generate an orc raid.
Unlike the raid on the villages, these are guided by levels to measure your strength. The level 1 raid will only be 3 dwarf orcs, when you kill them, you will have to wait for another raid to be generated, and this will be level 2, two orcs adults and 3 dwarf orcs, level 3 is the same as level 2 but with 2 Cannoneer Orcs, level 4 is a Captain Orc and level 5 is a Captain Orc, 3 Cannoneer Orcs, 3 Adult Orcs and 5 Dwarf Orcs.
By killing a Captain Orc or a Mage Orc, your raid level will be increased to level 5 instantly, as you have proven that your strength is worthy of a level 5 raid.
You can see your actual raid level using this command: "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar ch_raid_level"

A curse transferred from another cursed soul, this curse will allow you to use cursed weapons.
Having this curse will show an icon on the HUD.

Frequent Questions
- Is the addon compatible with other? Yes, this addon does not use player.json so it is compatible with any other addon.
- Does this addon use experimental mode? Yes, it use Beta API, Holiday Creator features and Adittional Modding Capabilities.
- Does this addon have performance issues? The game in general has performance issues, however, in this update has been added the New Low Detail Mode that can be activated from Addon Settings in World Settings. With this enabled, the models will change to a lowpoly one, the particles will be reduced and in behavior pack, the low detail disable connected blocks and ticking areas (activate this if this addon crash or freeze your game) and Ultra Low Detail disable bone visibility blocks and some Orc Village features.
- Will you continue developing this addon? Of course, this is only the beginning, the next update will the The Knight Updates, it will be so epic like this.
- What version do I need to use it? Try having the last Stable version of the game, at the moment, you need minimum 1.20.50
If you have any problem with the addon, contact me through my Discord Server, this way you can report bugs and see the progress of this addon.
- Support for 1.20.80+
- The Soulless Knight bossbar is now compatible with other custom bossbars;
- The paint block function was moved to Scripting, making it much faster and more optimized;
- All items were converted to scripting, so now there are no problems in multiplayer and it is much more precise and faster;
- Many functions, abilities and mob attacks were scripted, so it is now more optimized, more precise and push attacks also push mobs with knockback resistance such as iron golems;
- Now enemies that have phase 2 except bosses, when generated in their enraged mode, will always have their phase 2 active, which will make them more aggressive;
- They moved the generation of structures to scripting, so the generation of the orc camp and the orc village is much more optimized and faster;
- The Ultra Low Detail was removed from the Behavior Pack, since the village is now generated with scripting, so it is not necessary to remove any feature to reduce lag, since before it used entities;
- Weapons now support enchantments such as sharpening, fiery aspect, knockback, and Unbreakability for melee and multi-shot weapons and Unbreakability for ranged weapons such as the auto crossbow and Orc Cannon.
Bug fixes:
- Now the blocks emit a shadow (this probably solves the fact that some blocks were not displayed in RTX);
- The BUFFED soulless chestplate cape now moves correctly;
- Bardiche's vertical attack particles now always spawn on the ground;
- Weapons now consume durability;
- The Adult Orc's strong ground attack now no longer plays in the air
- ; Now the Adult Orcs and Cannoneer Orc do not attack the villagers, they only approach them and capture them, you will no longer see Cannoneer Orcs shooting at the villagers or Adult Orcs carrying out an attack towards them;
- The volume of sounds was reduced;
- Fixed "Large Ground Energy" particle;
- The custom chests in the structures have their loot again;
- Dwarf orcs with crossbows no longer mount Adult Orcs;
- Dwarf orcs no longer grab bombs and explode if their target is a practice dummy;
- Fixed loot on orc village watchtower barrels;
- STEP 1: Download the .mcpack file from the download link on this page
- STEP 2: locate the .mcpack file downloaded in the previous step and open it with Minecraft Bedrock Edition, the addon will automatically import into the game.
- STEP 3: Edit or create a new world and apply the addon through the Resource packs and Behavior packs option in the world (make sure you have experimental modes enabled)
- STEP 4: Enjoy the addon 🙂
creator: GabrielCape