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MCPE/Bedrock Conveyor Blocks (Add-On)

Illustrious Member Admin

Conveyor Blocks (Add-On) [v1.11+]

Introducing Conveyor Belts but in Minecraft – so instead they are called Conveyor Blocks! Move or transport items, mobs, and even players in a much more amazing and cooler way! Lift mobs or players with the player lifter, or even make escalators high up to the sky!

created by: r4isen1920

pack version: v1.1

Conveyor Blocks

  • All Conveyor Blocks are already in your Creative menu for your convenience! But, you can craft it in Survival as well – as you wish.
  • Player: can travel for up to 0.3 blocks/sec in Directional Conveyor Blocks. Can be lifted
  • Items: can travel for up to 0.6 blocks/sec in Directional Conveyor Blocks.
  • Mobs & Other Entities: can travel for up to 0.2 blocks/sec in Directional Conveyor Blocks. Can be lifted.

A. Conveyor Block [Direction: Forward]

  • Requires (5) Iron Ingots
  • Craft a Conveyor Block [Direction: Forward] by placing the Iron Ingots in a T-shape.

B. Conveyor Block [Direction: Backward]

  • Requires (5) Iron Ingots
  • Craft a Conveyor Block [Direction: Backward] by placing the Iron Ingots in a T-Shape upside-down.

C. Conveyor Block [Direction: Right]

  • Requires (4) Iron Ingots
  • Craft a Conveyor Block [Direction: Right] by placing the Iron Ingots in a pattern as shown in the image below.

D. Conveyor Block [Direction: Left]

  • Requires (4) Iron Ingots
  • Craft a Conveyor Block [Direction: Left] by placing the Iron Ingots in a T-Shape upside-down.

E. Conveyor Block [Player Lifter]

  • Requires (4) Iron Ingots
  • Craft a Conveyor Block [Player Lifter] by placing the Iron Ingots in a T-Shape form but modified as shown in the image below.
  • Lifts players or mobs, but not items.

Example Usage

  • Theres a lot of things you can do with these Conveyor Blocks other than transportation or convenience, but also other cool things, such as follows:

A. Making Escalators

  • Its a simple creation without needing any command block(s), or even Redstone! Just place the Conveyor Blocks in such that it will escalate you forward!

  • Making Efficient [Upward] Escalators: Its not necessary to place another Conveyor Blocks under, thus place different solid block(s) to ensure that you won’t fall – placing Conveyor Blocks under isn’t efficient as it can glitch you out!

  • Making Efficient [Downward] Escalators: This is the oppsite of making [Upward] Escalators – place Conveyor Block(s) below so you won’t fall (and to push you downwards, too) instead of placing other solid blocks.


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13 

Topic starter Posted : 16/09/2019 7:50 pm