A portal to another universe was opened, an apocalyptic world and from which Cordyceps came out, the fungal infection that destroyed that world, now it has also devastated the entire world of Minecraft, only the strongest will survive, can you do it? IMPORTANT: THIS IS A VERSION 1.12.3, IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS ADDON IN VIDEOS, REVIEWS, CONTENT, ETC; REMEMBER TO PUT THE LINK OF THIS PUBLICATION OR THE OFFICIAL YOUTUBE TRAILER AS CREDITS OR DOWNLOAD LINK, THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ADDON IS NOT ALLOWED ON OTHER PAGES, APPS WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, IT HAS TAKEN ME A LOT OF EFFORT TO MAKE IT, THANKS 😉
Hey it's been a while since the last update, CORDYCEPS ADDON is back with its biggest update yet!!! 1.12 MULTI INFECTED UPDATE
This addon is inspired by The Last Of Us and focuses more on Cordyceps and expands the infected into unique variants. New adventures, new infected, new dangers and new structures AND CITIES.
To survive in this world plagued by cordyceps you must be cunning, know how to hide and attack at the right time. Once you appear, try to find a base, since darkness will be your greatest enemy. THE INFECTED APPEAR IN EXTREME DARKNESS. ISN'T IT INCREDIBLE?
because? Infected cordyceps are not zombies!!! It is somewhat tedious that they confuse them with them, so now in the addon they will see them as competition and they will also go to kill them, be careful if you combine this addon with any zombies it will affect the experience
ATTENTIVE!! This update modifies many things.
NEWEST V 1.12.3:
SHAMMER:This infected person hides, drawing the player's attention, imitating the sound of the NPC, and will emerge to attack you when you are close.

SCREAMER:The Screamer will appear the same as the stalkers but with a smaller number, it is fearful and if it detects prey nearby or is damaged, it will scream and summon 3 child clickers, and then they will flee and return to you like the stalkers.

EPIDEMIOLOGIST:practically a stalker, with more strength and gives poison when attacking you and if it is faster, it will sometimes hide from you

DRYGING CLICKER:These clickers are from hot and dry biomes, like deserts and savannahs, fast and fierce, no one wants to go to those biomes because of them, it can appear in the nether.

BURSTER CLICKER:This is an explosive variant, when it dies it will explode and give a wither effect to anyone who does not have an anti-spore filter, it can appear in the nether.

The spore blocks have a new function, rarely they will have the probability of generating a CORDYCEPS NEST, which has a flower that generates hordes of infected one to two times a day, to deactivate it you must throw a compressed fungicide bomb at the flower it has the nest, or you can wait a few days for it to deactivate itself, if you survive of course.

Now some sewers will have a new room at the end, which can generate a rat king, I hope that the water in the sewers is not an advantage for this boss

THE HOSPITALS now have a new extension and rooms, to make your adventure a little longer.
THE RAT KING has a new loot, he will drop a rat king fragment, you need 9 of these to craft a new armor, which will give you a lot of protection, a reward for your bravery

New infected may appear in the nether and the end

After a long wait, generating cities has been added to CORDYCEPS ADDON, you can generate them from the creative by stepping on this block (preferably in a normal, non-flat world)

In survival to generate them you must find this structure:

Once inside you must step on the generating block, and preferably set the game to 8 chunks so that it works faster

Remember that these cities will still be MODIFIED IN THE FUTURE, that is why they are test.


The sewers will be a very important structure, just as cities can be generated creatively through a block. AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? Well, gunpowder debris is generated in them, which will drop gunpowder with low probability, very useful for weapon ammunition.

Just be very careful and be well equipped, not many have returned alive from those structures.
The spores will no longer be entities, this is to improve optimization, now the spore stump will take care of that alone, remember to carry an anti-spore filter on your adventures
It is the first stage of infection, weak but dangerous when attacking in hordes
They will appear from day 1 on the entire surface, they do not appear in caves, they have variants of villager, illager, chicken, cow and humans (the idea is that all humanoids will be infected in the future)
You can scale
Spawn: 4-6 light, quantity: Very High

Second stage of infection Fast and elusive, they will flee from you if you damage them, they become very annoying in closed spaces as they can alert clickers or blind infected to your presence
They will appear from day 3 on the entire surface and caves, they have variants of villager, illager and chicken
Spawn: 4-6 light, quantity: High

The same as the previous one, except that when you kill them they defrost, giving them one more chance to harass you
They will appear from day 4 in cold biomes
You can scale
Spawn: 4-6 light, quantity: Medium
A phase before the stalker or the clicker? Confusing name perhaps, whatever it is, it has two variants, one dead and one at rest, the dead variant will generate spores when it detects a human nearby, the other variant will wake up when a human approaches it, they are very fast and can attack and sometimes To run away from you.
You can scale
Spawn: structures such as cities and sewers

The most iconic infected in The Last Of Us, remember to be stealthy and not make noise, these infected are blind, they are very fast in water, it is not advisable to go into the water if you are chased by them, they can be distracted by projectiles, when they die they can leave a block that will invoke the SOWER CORDYCEPS
They appear from day 7 onwards, you have time to seek shelter since they appear more in caves and in biomes with trees and structures, in open fields they will not spawn. They have variants of villager, illager
Can't climb
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: very high

The same as the previous one, only faster, can jump and climb and a smaller hitbox, they usually live in hordes in certain structures
You can scale
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: medium

They are cold variants of the clicker, same behavior, these can be defrosted and frozen depending on their variant, which gives them extra life points, they will slow you down when attacking you
They appear from day 4 in cold biomes Can't climb
Spawn: 0-4 light Quantity: high

This clicker is native to cold biomes but has been seen elsewhere, did it come out of a refrigerator perhaps? These infected remain hidden underground looking for prey. Once their victim is detected, they will emerge from the ground to attack. If their victim flees, they will hide again to go after them.
They appear from day 4 in cold biomes
Spawn: 0-7 light Quantity: medium

This clicker appears mostly in jungles, swamps and mangroves, also in the rest of the overworld but with less probability, they will give you poison when attacking, BE CAREFUL
Can't climb
Spawn: 0-10 light Quantity: high (in their native biomes) low, in the rest of the biomes

Rotten clickers can turn into Shamblers, which can attack you with acid spores (it will give you poison). They appear in humid environments although they have been seen roaming in other places.
Spawn: like the rotten clicker, cities and sewers, can come out of trap blocks Quantity: low

Clickers that have lived a long time, they are the fourth stage of the infection, they have melee and ranged attack, so take cover. Bill would like to kill one perhaps? And biology class?
These infected are also blind
Spawn: Cities and megastructures, can emerge from trap blocks. Quantity: low

The same as the previous one but cold, Xaier lacks originality, right?
Spawn: by evolution Quantity: low
Two stalkers united by the love of cordyceps, they will walk somewhat clumsily and will end up separating if you attack them to death
They can appear from the 10th throughout the overworld.
You can scale
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: low

A trio of two clickers and a stalker, what could they have been doing to end up like this? Sometimes they can drop one of them when they die, dealing a lot of damage.
You can scale
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: low

Coming out of a nightmare, this infected can generate more of it when eliminated (smaller than the clearing) from day 10 you will rarely see them wandering throughout the overworld
You can scale
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: low

Without a doubt one of the most anticipated infected by those who follow this addon. They will appear exclusively in hospitals that can appear in cities, their armored version will arrive soon
It has two phases
In the first one it will be somewhat slower and clumsier, it has an attack of acid spores
In the second phase, a Stalker will be released, it will be faster and its spore attack will do more damage and will be more frequent
So much life makes you question if it's worth facing it.
Spawn: small hospital. Quantity: one per hospital

This stalker was separated from the rat King, it has a ranged and melee attack, it runs away from you if you hurt it, it becomes resistant to damage

By killing many infected cows there is a chance that this boss will appear, it will summon cows and clickers.

It brings back the design of the first shambler, with improvements obviously, it serves as a guardian in mega structures since it has a lot of resistance like rocks, as it was described by the first youtubers who saw it
Spawn: megastructures, Quantity: low

Originally he would be the guard of the prisons of the Cordyceps cult, which did not materialize due to development issues, but well that's where his name came from. He has a melee attack and a ranged attack with a burst that will literally send you flying
Spawn: mega structures, bases destroyed. Quantity: low

A more annoying variant of the stalker, exclusive to caves and darkness, will go on all fours to kill you
Spawn: 0-3 light. Average amount

It is a bloater that explodes upon death, is weak, and attacks in melee. They can appear from day 10 throughout the overworld.
You can scale
Spawn: 0-3 light Quantity: low

This infected has its meaning of life in dying, preferably in the hands of other blind infected, its function is to be a seed and generate clusters of cordyceps, and thus generate more stumps, the clickers and other blind infected will attack it, preferably you should burn them, they are very sensitive to fire and prevent your base from having cumulus clouds nearby.
It has a variant called “blooder” that works the same but this variant does not have a specific function yet.
You can scale
Spawn: They are born from the spore block, the Sower can also generate several


the sowers are the bosses that you will see the most in the addon, they will rarely be able to leave blocks that the clickers leave when they die; Theywill have a melee attack and from a distance they will launch balls of spores that can explode if they touch the ground. Upon receiving damage, this infected will randomly leave cordyceps blocks and will be able to defend itself by generating infected (stalkers, clickers, muti infected, multi stalkers). rotten variant which is stronger and more likely to leave stumps (entity), and will leave the clicker rotten variants more often thus fulfilling its sower name

This infected person has the function of generating a flower of spores, which will protect the infected within an area, with a behavior similar to the sower, it is best not to kill it;
This may emerge from a block left by the muted cordyceps when they die.

This is the most recent boss, and the most powerful infected of the addon for now, you will find him sleeping in military airports, (this structure can be generated in cities or with the city generating block directly with low probability.
It has different types of attacks at a distance, in the area and generating infected.
Said boss will leave as a reward when you die the “BREASTPLATE HARVESTER”, a shell that will give you a strength effect if you wear it, although it is not repairable; In its first phase it will have all of his attacks, in its second phase it loses its arm and only attacks from a distance but frantically and has a greater probability of generating infected.
Without a doubt a challenge worthy of a movie

This infected is exclusive to HARVESTER which can be invoked in its attacks, it can fly and there are usually three of them together, you will not see it anywhere else in the world

The Muteds are a sub-race of infection, their genome is a mystery, some believe it is due to the influence of another pathogen, a pagan cult or as biological weapons.
Characterized by forcing metamorphosis in the infected, their jaws develop and their teeth become prominent, if they had eyes they will become dark or fly-like, extreme speed and similar sounds. Convergent evolution? They will mostly give darkness effect when attacking.
The one who started this race produces an embryo of this from a block that can be left by stalkers with a low probability when they die.

She is a girl who is a victim of this variant, which is generated from embryos (which have been found by explorers in sewers and abandoned power plants). Could there be
any connection?

A body that awaits the wonderful day of giving birth to its daughter
Spawn: Certain mega structures, cities and sewers appear

An unborn emerges for you, it has a baby, girl and adult phase
In the baby phase she will run away from you, try to kill her, in the girl phase she can run away and attack you, and in her adult phase she has a burst attack of twisted spores, and she will be very dangerous (if you go in front she comes behind and if you run she runs more)

Appears as the muted cordyceps in early versions, from a normal nightmare eliminated by a player. And it is also generated in certain structures

CORDYCEPS TOCON: if you click on it they will become cordyceps, but if you break them they will leave mushrooms and iron nuggets and they will become cordyceps.

CORDYCEPS: very common too, if you step on it it will make you nauseated the more they step on it and you are close the more nausea it will give you to the point that it will turn your head, makes players nauseated if looted by an entity.

SUMMON BLOATER, SUMMON SHAMBLER: As their names indicate, they will invoke these infected when stepped on by any entity and leave cordyceps in their place.

TOCON SPORE: spawns spores every 8-15 seconds, has a chance to turn into cordyceps or TOCON spawn

This block will generate a cordyceps stump

Perhaps the most dangerous and interesting thing about cordyceps in this addon, it can expand and eat the world, generates different blocks of cordyceps, summons a wide range of infected to defend itself, highly dangerous when stepped on, its weakness is fire or right. -clicking (also the fungicide bomb see below), is a perfect organism that will grow without any form corrupting the world, it comes to summon stumps that will spread the stump to other more distant places. These can grow forming fungal mounds, although most of the time they do not do so as much.

This block will be dropped with low probability by the stalkers, who after a while will produce an embryo of Cordyceps MUTED.

DEAD CORDYCEPS: When Cordyceps blocks become inert due to a fungicide bomb.

The clickers will leave this block with low probability which will cause a seeder to emerge after a while.

The Muted Cordyceps will leave this block with a low probability, which will cause a Cleawer to emerge after a while.


the spore flower is born after the death of a "cleawer"
This will emit giant spores into the sky, contaminating an area of 60 blocks with cordyceps, giving the infected maximum regeneration and extreme strength, while players will be affected with negative effects depending on the distance they are from the flower. Normal "fungicide bombs" do not deactivate the flower, you must make a "compressed fungicide bomb".
will create a "safe zone" for the infected

There are new loot chests, distributed according to the type of structure

From turrets (normal and flamethrower; obtained with npcs),
Military, fireflies, (in structures)
Joel's truck (you trade it with Bill)
Tower with turrets and flamethrower tower (craftable)
Traps (three sizes and negotiable with Bill)
Among these we have the classic factions from The Last Of Us and certain characters, more will be added in the future: IN THE CASE OF THE FACTIONS SOME NPC WITH A BACKPACK will be able to trade with you for difficult to get items and more
The fireflies rose up against the martial state declared by the government, in search of a cure that is unattainable, they have established themselves all over the world, we fight with the infected and the FEDRA,

They took power thanks to martial law, and consolidated themselves throughout the overworld, although many of their bases are suffering rebellions, they remain ready to face the fireflies.

They are aggressive towards the player
SPAWN: are randomly spawned along with wandering merchants with a 5% chance
FUNCTION: the only one that currently spawns in the world upon death has a 50% chance to drop the block RAID HUNTER which will start a 4- round raid
HUNTER MELEE:melee attack,HUNTER:they have firearms

CAR HUNTER:a war truck with a threatening RUN lettering only melee hunters can use it

4 rounds:
ROUND 1:several groups of hunters will go for you, killing 10 – 12 of them will end the wave
ROUND 2:a car hunter and several patrols will go after you
ROUND 3:several consecutive patrols will attack you
ROUND 4 (FINAL):two car hunter and several hunter patrols with time intervals will appear, when you win you will receive exp and regeneration
It is another faction of survivors, very large, you will normally find them near the coast, their enemies by nature are the scars, they have been in conflict for a long time.

They are the enemies of the WOLF, they do not normally use weapons from the "previous world", they profess a religion that emerged in the apocalyptic world, guided by their prophet they will attack all those who cling to the past, it is common to see them in things or near the sea, they are aggressive towards the player

They will appear in shelters, military bases, towns alongside neutral factions, sometimes they will attack the infected and enemies, and they will also run in fear as the case may be

The characters will appear with a certain probability next to the wandering merchants, and will disappear after a few days. THEY HAVE AUDIBLE DIALOGUES IN SPANISH
Normally you will see them together, Joel can trade you many types of weapons, and items that may interest you, Ellie, for her part, among her most valuable items, has “Ellie's dagger” WHICH CAN BE USED TO INSTALL THE CLICKERS. Isn't it fantastic?

Does Joel want a car? Haha, Bill can sell you hard-to-find weapons among other things, cheats? A car?

Joel's brother also trades weapons, better prices perhaps?

It's funny to see you here, and very strange that Abby sells golf clubs, will she play? But where? Or well, with whom? She can also trade weapons for you


You can find turret generators in chests in the structures or trade their blocks with the npc
DEER AND GIRAFFE: they are to decorate

You will have to put batteries in the vehicles first, then fuel which can run out, you can use them as chests

The daggers will be used to insta kill the clickers, the normal dagger can only be used once, it is craftable, however Ellie's Dagger can only be traded with Ellie and can be used more than once, you must click and be super glued to the clicker so it works otherwise the clicker will notice and kill you first

Fuel: used to start vehicles, and to recharge flamethrowers on an anvil. Car battery: it will be used so that vehicles can work
Medicine: there are several types of medicine, which will give you regeneration and other positive effects, remember to use them secretly since some are slow to use
CORDYCEPS FRAGMENT: useful for interesting crafting
Adrenaline: it will help you escape

Can opener: you can use it to open the cans of food you find in chests, coffee makes you fly.

3D GUNS: 5 types of ammunition, why else? They can rarely be generated in structures, you can trade them (they are not craftable)
VESTS AND HELMETS: they are not craftable, you can exchange them, and find them in chests, the helmet with night vision stands out, that is only tradeable with FEDRA merchants
FLAME THROWER: you can only trade it with FEDRA merchants, to recharge it you will need an anvil and fuel.

ANTI-SPORE FILTER: this item is equipped in the pants slot, you must wear it if you plan to enter structures with spores, or places contaminated with them, it only protects against the spores produced by the blocks and the dead prestalker.
CORDYCEPS HELMETS: they offer a lot of durability, and an out-of-the-species look, you will need cordyceps fragments that bloaters and other large infected leave behind when they die, can you collect them all?

HARVESTER MULTI INFECTED CORDYCEPS BREASTPLATE: this shell is not craftable, the HARVESTER will leave it as a reward when defeated, it will give you a lot of protection and strength II
MOLOTOV: craftable

perhaps the most valuable item can be negotiated with Joel or Bill, and it is craftable but it is relatively difficult to get gunpowder (it is used in its crafting) this when thrown on the ground near cordyceps blocks will kill them by turning them into dead stumps , in the infected will do a very serious damage to them, killing from one to the majority of the infected (recommendation to throw it on the ground since its effect works correctly that way)

It is crafted using normal fungicide bombs, a spawn bloater block and an iron block,
The only weapon capable of stopping the spore flower and its corruption, it will also help you destroy the flower from the nests that generate hordes
many structures have been added to the game here are some photos of them, and some important ones.

Many structures are added to the nether, with a very varied loot, and one in particular that is very difficult to find will have a statue of an aberration netherite as a reference to my first project from years ago.
They are structures that are generated like cities

These types of structures are randomly generated, one per city
This structure is huge, and this is where you can find the HARVESTER, it has a lot of loot generated in cities with low probability
Can be generated in cities
They can be generated in cities
BETA 1.0 25-04-2022
BETA 1.0.7 20-07-2022
BASE 6-07-2022
1.10.6 NETHER INFECTED PART I 19-11-2022
1.11.10FRONZEN UPDATE 18-01-2023 UPDATE Xaier G Awakening 22-04-2023 MULTI INFECTED UPDATE 23-01-2024
NEXT UPDATE: 1.13 OUR BLOOD;cordyceps cult, new mega structures (subway station, factory, underground prisons, etc.), darkness, and terror and much more
Scientists were close to finding the cure for CORDYCEPS, but in a world in chaos, sanity and mental health hang by a thread, these scientists fell into madness, depression and stress, which led them to abandon their attempts, which it could happen...?
spoilers next update

you can download the music pack which will add all The Last of Us music to the game, remember to put it in the global resources

If you like this content, I would really appreciate it if you support me by leaving your like and subscription on my YouTube channel;) Thank you!!!
*bugs in city generation have been fixed
*5 new infected have been added
*new infected may appear in the NETHER and END
*spores now deal damage in a 10 block radius
*new loot in structures
*new cordyceps decoration blocks
*new salts, tunnels and rooms in structures such as sewers and hospitals
*compatibility with 1.20.60+
*increased difficulty, spore blocks can now generate cordyceps nests
Otherwise some fixes and bugs and minor things

To ensure it works correctly:
*remove previous versions of the addon
*download the file and rename the end as .mcaddon
*import it to minecraft with one click
*enable these experimental features, preferably a new world