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MCPE/Bedrock Crab Mob Vote

Illustrious Member Admin

Crab Mob Vote

This addon mimics the crab mob from the mob vote 2023. This addon adds the crab mob and its crab claw item which can extend the block placement of the player.

Where it Spawns?

The crab mobs can spawn inside the "Mangrove Swamp" Biome.

The crab has 2 color variants, blue and orange.

This addon contains 3 new items.

  • Crab Claw (Item)
  • Craw Meat (Food)
  • Crab Sticks (Food)

The crab when killed can drop:

  • Crab Meat (100%)
  • Crab Claw (20%)

How to use the Crab Claw:

  1. Put the crab claw item in your off-hand slot.
  2. Then hold a block and place the block.

You will notice you can place the block further away.

Currently block with rotations doesn't rotate well and blocks like granite, andesite, diorite will turn into stone when using crab claw to place them.
This is due to addon scripting limitations of converting block items on hand into place blocks.

This addon will break when 1.19.40 comes out.



- You are not allowed to repost this resource/addon outside without my permission.

- You are not allowed to create your own download link.

- You are not allowed to share the direct link.

- Feel free to make videos just credit.

  • No changes made to the submission page. . . . 


  • Experimental Settings need to be turned on.


Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2023 7:31 pm