Craftable Structures v4.1 Major Update!
This addon is perfect for manhunts, minigames, maps, survival and just having fun with friends
Fed up of not finding structures and just want to get to the point if so then this addon is perfect for you
This Addon makes it possible to craft structures
Always have wanted an end portal next to your base instead of 200 - 2000 blocks out if so this addon is perfect for you
Thanks to NRLIY for the idea

How the structures work is you need to craft an item and then place the item and the structure should spawn (may lag on some devices)

Nether Fortress (now in 3D)
Needs 8 netherrack and 1 iron block to craft
Comes with a blaze spawner and random chest loot (normal fortress loot)

End City Boat (now in 3D 🙂 )
Needs 8 diamonds and 1 diamond block to craft
Chest loot is random (normal end city loot)

Ocean Monument (can be placed on land and underwater
Needs 8 iron ingots and 1 diamond block to craft
Comes with a guardian and gold blocks

Pillager Outpost
Needs 8 planks and 1 iron block
Random Chest loot (normal loot for a pillager outpost)
also comes with a pillager captain

Ruined Portal
Needs 8 Netherrack and 1 iron block to craft
Has random chest loot (normal loot for a ruined portal)

Needs 8 books and 1 golden block to craft
Has random chest loot and 9 tnt with a stone pressure plate

Change Log
v4.1 Bug Fixes
Fixed placement Bugs
This add-on is protected under the license

you may still make youtube videos on this add-on this license does not revoke that but if you make a youtube video you must give credit
fixed placement bugs
added new showcase video
added warnings
new video
Make sure you turn on all experimental features
Make sure you turn on content creator features and additional modding features
If you need help feel free to join my discord