Crafters Mo’Things
Ever wanted some random things that add to the game? Just random ores, weapons and items? Well now you can get that! Introducing Crafters Mo’Things! Btw this addon isint done and could get a new update any day!
So I just wanted to show you something the minecraft community have wanted for years…..
Notch Apple’s!
• Recipe is the same as the old one from the old days
• Not a custom apple same as the old golden apple
• No new effects just old recipe back
Rednite Ore And Weapons!
The nether has its strongest ores, netherite, the overworld has its, and thats diamonds so what about the end? Well this is rednite!
• Strongest Ore Of The End
• Takes 10+ Seconds To Break With A Diamond Pickaxe
• Decently Rare For The End To Balance It Out, Iron / Gold Rarity
The rednite sword is a powerfull weapon you make with another sword from the addon!
• Incredibly Hard To Break
• 11+ Attack Damage
• Enchantable With Normal Sword Enchantments
Shulker Sword
Shulkers? The useless mob only used to annoy you, kill you with fall damage, make shulker boxes and in general annoy you by defending its end lands? Well now it has another purpose!
• When held you start flying (stop holding anything at all to stop flying
• 5+ Damage
• Easily Breaks
• Enchantable
Nether Star Sword
You killed the wither and dont know what to do with spare wither stars? Well now make a wither star sword!
• Gives Regeneration And Absorption Effects
• 10+ Attack Damage
• Incredibly Hard To Break
• Enchantable
Coal Sword
Your sword broke? But all you have is sticks and coal? Well now make a coal sword with what you have!
• Very, Very Easily Breaks!
• 4+ Attack Damage
• No Effects Can Be Given With This
• Enchantable
This addon is made by me crafter, please if you want to share this addon on a video, link the mcbedrock site for it helps me out! Also share this with your friends
If you cant get into minecraft with the mcaddon link it works just like a zip file aswell! So dont worry about the link not working if something