Creatures and Beasts Add-on!
This add-on adds 7 new mobs and 4 new items using the vanilla style that will change your gameplay experience and maybe making your world more alive. Remember that this add-on is still in development so expect bugs happening.
The donut is well... a donut! It can be crafted using bread and sugar, the amount of sugar on it gives you speed and regeneration when eaten.

Soul Sugar:
The soul sugar is an item crafted using sugar and echo shards, it doesnt do nothing and its only use is to craft other items.

Soul Jam:
The soul jam is an consumable item crafted using soul sugars and a echo shard. When eaten it will grant the player speed, regeneration and jump boost for short period.

Donutling Summoner:
The donutling summoner is an item crafted using soul jams and a echo shard that summons a donutling when used.

Peaceful Mobs:
The donutling its a really donut that can be tamed with sugar and healed with well sugar, soul sugar, soul jam and donuts! They will protect its owner att all costs and are really strong having 90 of health. They dont spawn anywhere and the only way to get them is by summoning it with a donutling summoner. When they die they drop a donutling summoner so if you lose your pet you dont have to worry! (Unless it falls in the void or lava)

Horned Hound:
The caves are dark and scary places full of monsters and mysteries, in there you can now find the horned hound! This cute little wolf who lives there and be found spawning on lush caves and dripstone caves hunting tiny animals such as fishes, silverfish ,etc. They can be tamed with glow berries and healed with chicken, fishes and rabbit and also can be sit, they wont attack mobs that its owner attacks but will protect their owner if attacked. When defeated they drop bones or horns.

This unknow creature that was born from the stars came to earth to collect items and trade them. They dont trade the best items but they may help in different situations and their trades are cheap depending on it. They spawn only in dark places or at night time.

The driplet its a cute little mob that has a dripleaf on its head, they are found in lush caves and can be tamed using bone meal. When tamed they will follow its owner around but cannot sit, with their big mouths their owner can store their items inside of it.

Neutral Mobs:
Cherry Stalker:
In the newest cherry groves you can now find the cherry stalker is peaceful with the player but if it gets attacked it will attack back. Since there is alot of items that are crafted with echo shards and echo shards arent that easy to get the cherry stalker can help, if you give a cherry stalker a amethyst shard it will convert it into a echo shard. They can be bred with bone meal and drops cherry saplings when defeated.

Agressive Mobs:
Masked Spore:
The masked spore is a unknow mob with a mask on its face and can be found in swamps. They really dont like their place being invaded by players and will attack you inflicting poison.

In the soul sand valley you are able to now find this weird looking mob who is a soul traped into a puppet being controlled by a hand demon, they are aggressive and wont think twice to attack you, they drop strings when defeated.

In-game footage:

- Download the file
- Wait for the download
- When the download finishes go to the file you just downloaded
- Press the file and it will send you to minecraft
- Enjoy the add-on!
Important Notice:
This add-on is only supported to 1.20 or forward, using it in older versions may will break the add-on.
creator: BlightNoceda