Creeping Crypts: Random Dungeons
Hello! Have you ever wanted a new Mineshaft-like or Stronghold-like dungeon? Well now you can have one! With this Add-On, you will see some tower-like structures in your world that have dungeons underneath! These dungeons can get large, so be sure to pack an extra lunch!
Be sure to share this addon with all your friends if you enjoy!
No longer requires experiments!
Works on preview!
This addon is fully compatible with AutoBE, a tool developed by TheBedrockLab for merging Minecraft Bedrock Edition addons into one convenient package without requiring manual load order adjustments. You can use AutoBE to seamlessly combine this addon with others, ensuring an optimized and conflict-free gameplay experience.
For more information about AutoBE and to enhance your Minecraft experience, visit TheBedrockLab.
These dungeons have several rooms. When you explore your world, you may randomly encounter structures that look like this from time-to-time.
These structures are VERY RARE. They may not generate within 500-3000 blocks of you.
The dungeons can get quite expansive at times, however if you have a low-end device, your screen could potentially freeze for a few seconds while it generates. These dungeons will not cut into each other, instead they are programmed to connect to themselves so you can avoid the eyesore of them ramming into each other nonsensically.
Here is a showcase of the dungeon being generated in a flat world:
Here are some more screenshots:
This Add-On is still in Beta. You may come across problems during the game.
If you have any ideas for any rooms or hallways, please do leave a comment down below with your suggestion, it would really help me! 😀
You may use this Add-On for videos as long as you link directly to this page.
If I catch anyone reuploading this Add-On without my permission, I WILL FILE A DMCA CLAIM. I DO NOT TOLERATE PEOPLE REUPLOADING MY ASSETS TO ANOTHER SITE.
You cannot use my assets without my personal permission.
Hope you have fun playing with this pack!
Installation Instructions:
- Preferably you need a device that isn't low-end. For example, I do not recommend using a Samsung A03.
- For iOS Installation:
- For Windows 10: literally just double-click
- I cannot help Android or Xbox users as I do not have these devices, so I do not know how to install on them.
- Remember to delete the previous packs before installing, otherwise the next packs will not install.
Fixed dungeon generation, the entrance should now generate again. Mojang broke the generation in release 1.21.50 and preview 1.21.50 by making a silly decision.