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MCPE/Bedrock Creepypasta Faceless Steve Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Creepypasta Faceless Steve Addon


I will be creating Minecraft myths based on the stories of them. So, Since Herobrine, entity 303, null. And more have already been created. I’m starting with Faceless Steve. This addon is based on the origin of Faceless Steve. He will do creepy things to your world and he will place random stuff in your world. And he will sometimes talk in the chat. And when you get close to him. He will vanish and you cannot hit him so don’t try to hit him because it is impossible. So this might be my new career. Made By SuhasMPlays. If this goes well im making Anti-Null


Faceless Steve will look like this in the Faceless Steve Addon. His structures are.


– Redstone Torch


– Skulls


– Chat 1


– Chat 2

So these are all of his structures that he will do to your world and he will be really creepy. He will appear at random times at night and his structures appear randomly as well. Also, he will randomly chat. He can say either one of his things. He will do the same things and just haunt your world. And you don’t need to spawn him either. He will appear in the world already. So if you want to play with this addon. You don’t need to summon him. He will already spawn. He will appear in the caves and on ground. He won’t appear in the Nether and End though. Faceless Steve can also teleport and he stares at players. He stares at a random player if you are in multiplayer. If you make a video on this addon please either credit me or link the addon is your description. Anti-Null will only be started next month! So please enjoy and then while I can next month. Like 3 weeks now. I will start Anti-Null


Edited The Description And Gave More Detail About The Addon




Download from mediafire. Move to Minecraft, then open and enjoy.

creator: SMPYt


Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2021 11:57 am