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MCPE/Bedrock Crimzonn Origins, Elements, and Classes v1

Illustrious Member Admin

Crimzonn Origins, Elements, and Classes v1

(Credit to Apace100, They created the origins mod for Java Edition)

This is a Bedrock Edition addon based on the Origins Mod for Java Edition, however these origins are not the ones from the original mod

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This Origin Addon is the first of three versions, This version has 5 origins, the second will add 4 elements, and the last will have 5 classes, all of these will be upgradeable, there is one that can only be upgraded once, and one that can have different upgrade choices but apart from that the rest can be upgraded twice. (You throw the glass block to activate your ability)


Here are some pictures first


So the first origin is the netherian,

The netherian origins abilities are:  It has fire immunity, all swords you hold get fire aspect, and when in lava you have strength, but you take damage in water

Netherian Stage 2 (Blazeborn), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The Blazeborn is an upgraded form of the netherian origin, upgrades can happen by doing specific things (most of the time related to the origin or what the origin is based around). For most things, after you have upgraded them, you will be able to upgrade them for the second time, and that is the final stage

The Blazeborns abilities are:  It has fire immunity, it automatically enchants swords with fire aspect, it has night vision, it has strength after being in fire, and regen in and around lava, but it has weakness on ice and takes damage when in water

Netherian Stage 3 (???), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The second origin is the miteling

The miteling origins abilities are:  You can throw the glass in your hotbar to teleport, but it gives you hunger, you have night vision, but you also take damage in water

Miteling teleport ability: Before


Miteling Teleport Ability: After

Miteling Stage 2 (Enderian), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The Enderian can: silk touch grass and stone, throw down its ability item to teleport 11 blocks, has night vision, it can also use its other ability item to summon endermites, it has strength when on warped nylium but takes damage in water

Miteling Stage 3 (???), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The next origin is the sapling origin


The sapling origin can:  Turn invisible when beside a oak log, doesn't need to eat, but has the wither effect in lava and fire

Sapling Stage 2 (Treeborn), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The Treeborn origin:  doesn't have to eat, has resistance, invisible when beside oak logs, regenerates on moss blocks but is withered when in fire

Sapling Stage 3 (???), Upgrade Conditions: ???

Bone meal ability: Before

Bone meal ability: After

The fourth origin is the frozenborn 

As a frozenborn origin you can:  Turn water below you to ice, and go invisible on ice and snow, you can also summon snow golems with your ability item

Snow golem ability: Before

Snow golem ability: After

Frozenborn Stage 2 (Snowian), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The snowian origin can: make everyone around them slow (they are slowed as well), has the frost walker ability (turns water to ice), invisibility on snow and ice, and also has resistance on ice, they can also use their ability item to summon snow golems

Frozenborn Stage 3 (???), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The last first stage origin is the crawlian

The crawlian origins abilities are:    you have speed, you have resistance when in webs, you can summon spiders, but you have weakness when the block above you is air

Crawlian spider ability: Before

Crawlian Spider ability: After

Crawlian Stage 2 (Spiderling), Upgrade Conditions: ???

The spiderling origin has the ability to: summon spiders using the ability item, has speed, has resistance and higher speed in webs, but has weakness when below air

Crawlian Stage 3 (???), Upgrade Conditions: ???



Added some more pictures to better showcase in game content


Download the behaviour pack from the link below, then apply the pack to your world


You do need to activate cheats to do /function start

After that pick an origin from the barrel and throw it down


If you want to restart yourself do / function restart, and if you want to restart everyone do /function restartall

/spawnstructure will reset the picker structure

/multiplestart will allow more than one person per origin

/multiplestop will make it one person per origin again

creator: CrimzonnYt

Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2021 10:27 am