Cute Mob Addon
Cute Mobs Addon transforms the creatures and monsters in Minecraft. This addon is based on Java Minecraft’s Cute Mob Models. The original author has stopped develop, please don’t bother him. I will continue making this addon. Hope you like it.
Mobs details:
This is what the original author left, can it be used as an authorisation?
I know that during the period when I paused the update, a friend with better technology updated this addon, but I want to continue to make it, because I love it, I will make my own cute mobs, I will not copy anyone, I also hope Can be respected by you.
If you encounter an unresolved problem, please reply to me in this post, or try to contact me using the link below.
Twitter @_alphaAE
Add guardian,elder guardian,brown mooshroom
Modify the collision box
Redo the animation used
Remove mooshroom and snow golem wrong material
It is recommended to use the latest version 1.12.x and above. The lower version may have physical actions that cannot be loaded. You can open the archive 'Use experimental gameplay' to try to fix it.