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MCPE/Bedrock Darkness Depths

Illustrious Member Admin

Darkness Depths

It's an addon just for adventuring and  building civilization it adds new villager types new monster, new weapons, and much more it will also add skills and other stuff in the future

this addon is somewhat inspired by the things in this list:

darkest dungeons


shield hero



plains of chaos

a biome full of chaos where chaos dweller spawns

Magic forest

the biome full of magic and the location of where the living puddle spawns at night

Lost Lands

a monochromatic biome filled with nothing but trees and lifelessness


altar: a struture that rarely spawns in your world

in here you can obtain 2 weapons: luminous lunar rapier, eternal flesh scythe


test hut: 

builds a simple hut for you when crafted and placed down

you need the build wand to use

build wand is just sticks and a iron





the kiln is used to make alloys right now it can only make steel which is used for armor and heavy weapons 

the kiln is craftable 

it can double the ore output when smelting
it can smelt sand, clay blocks, and clay balls now


planting pot :

inspired by botany pots

you can place dirt in it to plant

cant harvest automatically

you can plant wheat seeds(20 secs), lettuce seeds(15 secs), beetroot seeds(15 secs), and tomato seeds(20 secs),

need hoe to harvest

and shovel to remove seeds

magic planting pots

they look like regular pots

but they are not

they harvest automatically, can only be obtained from cleric villager(because its magic)

all crops grown on them takes 20 seconds



The Crow will constantly pester you ny destroying your crops and killing your animals they can be scared using scarecrows or when a villager is near them

they can lay eggs


They`re here to scare crows basically

they`re geometries change as they take damage 

The warrior

they are guards of the village that fight along side the iron golem they can spawn by recruiting a villager npc with a wooden sword  they have a 25% chance to be high potential and a 85% chance to be low potential

they`re weapon defines their classes.

the classes available:

knifesman(wooden dagger)


hammer_wielder(wooden hammer)

batter(wooden baseball)

axeman(wood axe)

samurai(wooden katana)


greatswordsman(stone greatsword)

scythesman (steel sickle)

staff user(wood staff)


fan user(normal fan)they can be tamed using a contract seal and moved from village to village with a migration paper p.s to set them to a new village use king staff

note:to transform them you need wood variant of the weapons and they can`t be transformed when they`re migrating


there are now female versions


swordcaster: use greatswords for both long range offensive and sturdy a defensive


the most customisable npc in darkness depths 

you can obtain them by using a slave inscriber on a female nitwit or non worker

for now you can change their weapon and clothes through the use of character cards which can be obtained through trading

Dreaded ghast

A recreated overused ghast model

drops dreaded tear

Living puddle

cannot be killed with any entity attacks use fire or potions to kill it


Chaos dwellers 

This creatures been decayed by chaos are slow but packs a punch they cause decay when you get attacked by them, their weakness is water because of their decaying bodies they cannot touch water



Enderian dire

this guy spawns like an enderman does 

he affects all mobs with a spell effect when they come 5 blocks close 

the spell can be changed  by what he eats

available effects

all effects are available just use the ingredient to the brew potion to change his effect to the desired one


gem bug

gem bugs spawns in caves doesnt fly and has a wonky model they affect you with blindness when you get attacked by them drops diamonds or stone when killed has three variants gold(supposed to be amber),diamond,emerald


gem crabs

gem crabs like their cousins drop whatever ore they are based in due to their weight when they target something they will slowly creep up on it and when the attack is successful they share their weight by giving you a little bit of slowness




they don`t have pincers but they still bite they spawn in deserts  can be tamed by a bone(for now), but when they are not tamed they attack you and villagers

they can now lay eggs

you can now have them armored: armor can be obtained through trading with armorer or leather worker



this barrel looking thing can be powered up six times with gun powder to make a stronger explosion with the strongest having the power of 11 explosion power(for now) to explode them it needs to be atleast powered up two times other wise it wont explode (use flint and steel to explode) animations otw

they can be obtained by trading with a weapon smith

now tiny in size



drivable vehicles of war that shoots canon balls to any monster creature nearby.

their shooting is automatic (to be changed)

they can be obtained by trading with a weapon smith 

has an turret canon variant (but currently not working)

you now need to reload it manually using a canonball and you also need to ignite it yourself now


corrupted runes

Has five variants (depends on what rune it is) they`re projectiles/shooting pattern depends on the variant

Ancient Golem

This Sleeping stone tanks damage and is a hard hitter himself he deals 20 damage per punch 

when he has a target he gets up and side punches them


succubus and incubus 

creatures that rarely spawns in a village 

in the day they transform into a villager and at night into their true forms

when in villager mode they will give weakness effect and when in true form they will "pickup" villagers and suck their energies out of them

can be tamed and bred using lust potion

or for breeding golden carrots



villager npc

spawns in with regular villagers and does the same stuff as villagers, they can be bred with lust potions or engagement rings

Female villager can now get pregnant it just takes time

when pregnant it takes 3 minutes befire they give birth 

every job class now has its own model

female npc custom sounds by cicifyre

check her out at:



giant bugs that roam the land they can fly and can make your crops grow faster 

or if you dont want them around kill em for their shell shards that can be crafted to armor

(50% droprate)

greblins: (w.i.p)


right now all they do is attack each other theyre supposed to spawn on the lost lands biome 


 sin bosses:


give a zombie chaos and it will give you madness in return this boss is not that tough but it has multiple attacks 

whatever vanilla farm animals he kill becomes his minion


a sacrifice made out of lust for power due to that hatred came through a desire of revenge this boss can summon minions and attack with big domes he hits hard so keep your range


Spawns a shield dome when its target is within 2 blocks

Can attack using magic blast laser and magic bullet balls



environmental bosses:


full moon geisha : as an entertainer of the gods her job is to make sure your mutilation is as entertaining as it could get 

summons every full moon meaning your first night youre very likely to die 

she has 3 stances dependng on her health

first stance: she shoots wind and teleports at you 

second stance :she could use ice to make her winds hit harder also in this stance she could transform into a invincible cloud 

third stance: summons a gown of shadows making you blind and summons upto 15 clones that is easy to kill but hits hard Items 


you now need to use moon stone for the geisha to spawn every full moon

Ancient Druid: the one protecting the land has been corrupted by chaos its now your duty to defeat him

he is a summoner type boss

he can summon vines, golems, and more memory crystals


new tables: the weapon creator and rune inscriber 

rune inscriber can be used to create runes

weapon creator is the table to create powerful weapons

character cards:

used to change equipment of npcs though it only work for slave now:

hand canon

the first 3d item added 

can shoot fireballs as far as a canon goes



spell glove:


this uses orbs to power and casts spells can be crafted using the weapon creator



used as the detector and for resource for projectiles

put in off hand to use as projectile


dark alloy scythe:

has the ability to shoot out red slashes

and deals a lot of damage



stabilized dark alloy scythe: 

a scythe which deals a lot of damage



dark sun sword:

a sword made from dark alloy and the jewel of the geisha this swords hits hard which makes it the most dependable sword you could craft 

can be crafted using weapon creator using dark alloy blade, dark sun hilt, and the geisha jewel




has wood to chaos steel variants

chaos damage: 12

diamond damage: 10

iron damage: 8

golden damage: 5 

stone damage : 6

wooden damage: 5



has wood to chaos steel variants

chaos damage: 18

diamond damage: 16

iron damage: 14

golden damage: 10

stone damage : 12

wooden damage: 10



has wood to chaos steel variants

chaos damage: 8

diamond damage: 6

iron damage: 5

golden damage: 3 

stone damage : 4

wooden damage: 3



has wood to chaos steel variants

chaos damage: 7

diamond damage: 5

iron damage: 4

golden damage: 2

stone damage : 3

wooden damage: 2



has wood to chaos steel variants

replace the stone block with logs or block variants for chaos steel use iron block

chaos damage: 15

diamond damage: 13

iron damage: 12

golden damage: 10

stone damage : 11

wooden damage: 10





has wood to chaos steel variants 

netherite damage: 34

chaos damage: 30 

diamond damage: 29 

 iron damage: 27 

golden damage: 22

stone damage : 25

wooden damage: 22



only has stone to iron variant

stone: 13

iron: 23



scythes :

heavy weapons that deals a lot of damage



special blades

sword of evergrowing darkness: 83

dark sun sword: 63(craftable)

never ending wither sword: 43(pending for texture change)

dark alloy dagger: 43(craftable)

stabilizing sword: 32

firey dark sword: 23

cold dark sword: 22

wither dagger: 12



magic books:
you can use them to summon mobs though you need to use an ancient book to progress your knowledge further to learn more summons

could be obtained in chests



can be obtained through chests 

most of them dont do anything yet

dark totem(due to texture change): gives you resistance when you deal no damage to your enemies

cosmic eye teleports you to what direction your looking though it can phase you through blocks


are new things slowly getting added for now only demonic book is a working grimoire


first to use a staff you need to use a rune of the same element to get your element learning to the right amount

ice staff: shoots an icicle lance

fire staff: shoots a super fireball

wooden staff: mainly used to make staff users doesn't shoot anything



all of them shoot wind except for dragon fan
normal fan is the only one craftable
dragon and temari can be found on loot chests
dragon fan can shoot dragons that fly in one certain direction


elemental trident

high damaged weapon very hard to craft

76 damage

can be thrown now


Silk Cloth 

can be traded for some coins with the weaver villager 

contract seal

a magical seal that bonds a contract between owner and servant 

used to own warriors

animated texture coming soon

king`s staff

used to set a warriors home


migration papers

used to move warriors around when tamed


sin crystals

this crystals holds the power that can bring down a lot of obstacles out of your way

only the ones with bosses are functional

p.s only 4 has finished abilities which is gluttony, envy, pride, and lust  



red samurai armor set


can be obtained through trading with an armorer villager really good armor set


rag armor set

can be obtained through weaver trades or leatherworker trades



pretty durable armor made of silk can be obtained through weaver villager trades 


straggler armor

basic armor that can be obtained through leather worker trades 


knight armor:

durable armor that can be obtained through armorer trades


heavy knight armor:

heavy armor that can be crafted using iron and steel only has leggings and chestplate


jungle armor set 

armor that is made out of jungle materials


lust potions

gives you what you feel when you really are lustful strength, speed, and a bright eyed vision 

can be brewed using blaze powder on health one potions

engagement ring

what better way to reproduce than the legal way get your villagers one of these and they`ll be happy, they will even throw in an extra worker


japanese lantern 

used to light and decorate your homes


crossframe lanterns

decorate your house with this great block that is a much greater light source (it`s animated)


other weapons available

can randomly spawn at any chests in dungeons, nether bridges, and end cities 

runes still dont do anything

blocks available

naturally spawning ores

wood types



blocks can be obtained by pixel: tag in the give 

update video:



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Topic starter Posted : 16/08/2020 8:33 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2021 11:31 am