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MCPE/Bedrock De-Gore-ations! (Horror)

Illustrious Member Admin

De-Gore-ations! (Horror)

This addon adds 15 new horror themed decorations to the game. Originally created for personal use, I'm now releasing this for creators of adventure, horror, roleplay, and halloween/holiday map creators, as well as those who just want to add some ghoulish fun to their games.


You can create creepy scenes in horror maps, add ambience to adventure maps, or just scare unsuspecting friends in your worlds. The pack includes:

  • 3 Corpse variations
  • 3 Skeleton variations
  • Hung Corpse
  • Drowned Corpse
  • Staked Corpse
  • Nailed Corpse
  • Slouched Corpse
  • Gravestones
  • 2 Coffin Variations
  • Blood Splatters

Each Corpse also has 3 texture variants to create diversity. Just find the spawn egg in the creative menu and spawn the entity into your world. Since these are just visual decorations they are not solid objects and can be passed through (like most mobs in the game). To remove the decorations just hit them and they will "die". For most entities aim towards either the head or the base of the object to remove it. 

Want to see more? Leave a suggestion for what horror themed decorations you'd like to see in the next update in the comments below!

creator: VileGhoul



Fixed the models heads missing their textures.

Upodate download links, added mediafire link. d


The file is a mcaddon so just simply download the file, click it, and it will automatically load into minecraft. 

Topic starter Posted : 15/07/2021 5:08 pm