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MCPE/Bedrock Star's Debug Screen V5

Illustrious Member Admin

Star's Debug Screen V5


Star's Debug Screen adds a Debug Screen to the game which is just like the java F3 Debug Screen but without the clutter! And all this is done with NO EXPERIMENTS!!

This addon is very easy to install you just need to read this page very carefully and you'll get it working in no time.

Showcase Video (for upto V4):





Left Panel:

1. Cardinal Direction: The direction you are facing.

2. Chunk Location: The chunk's coords and your coords in the chunk.

3. Angle of Attack: 0 = looking straigt, 90 = looking up, -90 = looking down.

4. Biome: The biome you're standing in.

5. Light Level: The light level of the block you're standing in.


Upper Right Panel:

1. Elapsed Time: Time passed since you joined the game.

2. Dimension: The dimension you're in.

3. Entity Count: No. of entitied within 96 blocks of the player(including the player).

4. In Village?: whether you're inside a village.

5. Is Underground?: whether you're underground.


Middle Right Panel:

1. Weather: The state of the weather.

2. Day Count: The no. of in game days passed since the start of the world.

3. Moon Phase: The current moon phase of the world.

4. Difficulty: The world's difficulty level.

5. TPS: Ticks per second passing in the world (normal: 20).



Other Features


1. Multiplayer compatible.

2. No cheats required.

3. Toggleable.

4. Supports Multiple languages. 

5. Doesn't leave any permanent effect on the world when you remove it.


How To Toggle?

> Touch: use the button on top.

> Keyboard and Mouse: press F8.

> All Platforms: settings > video > Hide Paperdoll.



> Star's Debug Screen offers different languages for debug screen.

> Different players can have different languages even while playing in the same world.

> Languages can be set using the UI system which can be accessed by performing "waving" emote.

> Below is the list of different languages supported by Debug Screen:

    • English

    • Chinese

    • Japanese

    • Spanish


    • Portuguese 


    • Russian

If you like our Addon, please do consider supporting us, you could do that by donating to us, spreading your word, or simply by downloading more addons through our website.


Doubts or queries? Join our Discord: Star's Studio 

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Copyright Message

All Rights Reserved

If you want to showcase this addon in your video, that's fine.

You cannot use any part of my addon, however little it may be, in your own addon without my permission.

You cannot distribute my addon in any way, shape or form without my permission.



Fixed a bug where the current language was not selected by default in the language menu.

creator: ayy star
This topic was modified 5 hours ago by McBedrock
Topic starter Posted : 08/11/2023 11:34 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 17/03/2025 7:05 pm