DG Morph Add-On
DG Morph Add-On Morph Mod for Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition, You can Morph in any different mobs in your world, also this mod pack tested and used in Minecraft 1.17 Update. .
Using this Morph Add-On you can Morph in differents variants mobs skins and you will have the ability of every mobs that you morph.
Health = 600
Family = Wither, Skeleton, Monster, Undead, Mob.
This is the list of Mobs you can Morph.
(Neutral Mobs)
- Cow
- Goat (Moderately Hostile)
- Iron Golem (Moderately Hostile)
- Villager
(Hostile Mobs)
- Creeper
- Drowned
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Phantom
- Piglin
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Skeleton
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Witch
- Wither Boss
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
Crafting & Recipes
Also you can Craft and Obtain Them using Resources (Use Crafting Table) (Survival)
Player = Redstone / Dirt Block

Cow = Redstone / Beef

Creeper = Redstone / Gunpowder

Drowned = Redstone / Rotten Flesh

Enderman = Redstone / Ender Pearl

Endermite = Redstone / Ender Eye

Evoker = Redstone / Emerald

Goat = Redstone / Wheat seeds / Dirt Block

Hoglin = Redstone / Crimson Fungus

Husk = Redstone / Rotten Flesh / Rotten Flesh

Iron Golem = Redstone / Iron Ingot

Phantom = Redstone / Phantom Membrane

Piglin Brute = Redstone / Gold Ingot

Piglin = Redstone / Golden Sword

Pillager = Redstone / Crossbow

Ravager = Redstone / Saddle

Skeleton = Redstone / Bone

Vex = Redstone / Emerald / Bow

Villager = Redstone / Emerald / Dirt Block

Vindicator = Redstone / Emerald / Iron Pickaxe

Witch = Redstone / Stick

Wither Skeleton = Redstone / Bone / Coal

Wither = Redstone / Soul sand

Zoglin = Redstone / Porkchop

Zombie Villager = Redstone / Rotten Flesh / Emerald

Zombie = Redstone / Rotten Flesh / Dirt Block

Also if you start Morphing each mobs variants will have Sound Effects.
Check and Watch/Hear there: (No virus, No Ads)
Thanks for some codes @cda94581
I Add More Mobs in Next Update!
(Give me credits if you want to review this in your video or youtube content)
Bug Fixes
- For now this version not have bug, it depends on if your Minecraft Version are BETA or OFFICIAL
- BETA are mostly discovered have many bugs, so possible if you're using BETA version this pack won't working properly.
Minecraft Cave & Cliffs 1.17 SUPPORTED!
Info & Credits
- My mod pack (this pack) have some code from Cda's Morph Addon, don't bash me cuz i have credit to copy some codes
- DG Morph v1 Made by Drei Gaming YT
- Download via Mediafire
- Download
- Import
- Create New World
- Activate both Resources Pack and Behavior Pack
- Done
Minecraft Cave & Cliffs 1.17 Supported
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSbcaHI_QGsrqVXWxU15t1g
How to morph in creative?