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MCPE/Bedrock Different Skulls Resource Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Different Skulls Resource Pack

Did you ever want to be a villager? Or maybe have a glass helmet? Now you can with this resource pack!

This resource pack remodels and re-textured the skulls to be blocks and entities

I’ve made a resource pack that remodels the Heads/Skulls to be a villager head, stone head, pumpkin head, glass head, tnt head and a tiny shulker.

All in a row:

The villager head

The stone ‘head’

The pumpkin ‘head’

The tnt ‘head’

The glass helmet

The mini shulker on head


I’ve also included some extra ‘head’ skins, and if you rather want those just rename the one you’d like to either skeleton.png, zombie.png, creeper.png or wither_skeleton.png.


Added some more text to say I've included more textures



Topic starter Posted : 15/11/2019 9:31 pm