This add-on adds several dinosaurs with different models and several animations. Each mob has its own characteristics such as its place of life, its life, its loot, if it is aggressive or not and if you can ride on it.
This add-on adds 7 dinosaurs and here they are :
Ankylo :
The ankylo is a rather small dinosaur that can be found in the savannah. It is rather rare and has 20 hit points. Players cannot ride it. He can be dangerous but also kind.
Give command : /give @s da:ankylo_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:ankylo
Image : No image
Spiny :
The spiny is a dinosaur that spawns in plain biomes. Be careful because he is extremely dangerous and can kill you in a few blows.
Give command : /give @s da:spiny_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:spiny

T-Rex :
The t-rex is not dangerous. It spawns in forests. He has 20 hit points.
Give command : /give @s da:trex_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:trex
Image : No image
Tricera :
The tricera spawn in bamboo jungles. It can be tamed with wheat seeds. After taming it you can ride it.
Give command : /give @s da:tricera_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:tricera
Image :

The tylosaur spawns in the oceans. They can be extremely dangerous by doing a lot of damage. In addition to cla it is extremely fast.
Give command : /give @s da:tylosaur_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:tylosaur
Image :

Augustolophus :
This dinosaur is rather common and spawns in jungles. It has no special characteristics.
Give command : /give @s da:augustolophus_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:augustolophus
Image :

Bracheo :
This dinosaur is found in the desert and is rather large. It can be extremely dangerous as it does a lot of damage. If you leave him alone he won't do anything.
Give command : /give @s da:bracheo_spawn_egg
Summon command : /summon da:bracheo
Image :

⚠️This add-on is in beta and here are several things that will be added in the future⚠️ :
-Prehistoric weapons
-Prehistoric outfits
-3 new dinosaurs (almost finished model)
-Prehistoric cave structure
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