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MCPE/Bedrock Disable/Mute Ambience

Illustrious Member Admin

Disable/Mute Ambience


Ever been annoyed or spooked out by the ambient cave or nether sounds that randomly play every once in a while? Want to turn them off, but don’t know how? Use this addon! It changes the ambient sounds to nothing, so whenever they’re supposed to play, nothing actually plays. Finally you won’t get scared while playing at midnight.



This add-on is supposed to remove (or mute, if you will) the ambient noises that play in the new Minecaft 1.16.0 beta (soon release). I’ve created two different variants (cave and nether), and a mix of all of them.

If you have any questions or need any help, please send me an email: alexhive (at)! I will try to respond ASAP.

Please let me know if any of the addons break or if you want me to add/change something! Suggestions and feedback will be appreciated.


Note: You may do the following:

  • Use my addons for your personal purposes.
  • Share my addons somewhere, only if you link this McBedrock page and credit me.
  • Modify the addons, as long as you are NOT redistributing them or claiming them as your own.

16 June 2020

  • Created the addon only for cave ambience

16 June 2020, later

  • Added nether variant, fixed description and made better artwork



  • Load the mcpack(s) into the game normally
  • Place the resource pack on top of any other resource packs that modify sound.



Topic starter Posted : 17/06/2020 3:44 pm