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MCPE/Bedrock Disciples of The Void: Martyr's Dawn // v1.0 Release

Illustrious Member Admin

Disciples of The Void: Martyr's Dawn // v1.0 Release


Ten spooky mobs are loose in the overworld, some of them are just out enjoying the Halloween season, some of them are begging for help. This Halloween season, enjoy the adventure that is: Disciples of the Void: Martyrs Dawn.

This addon is a spin-off of my flagship series: Disciples of the Void. This addon carries the same formula as the original, but is changed a little bit for the Halloween season.

This addon combines content from two different addons. But doesn’t contain EVERYTHING from those addons. 



If you enjoyed the trailer or my content in general, feel free to subscribe! Join me on my journey to get on the Minecraft Marketplace!

I'm gonna start releasing my addons early on my YouTube channel for a first come first serve kind of thing so if you like my stuff feel free to tag along.

Getting Started

When you spawn in, you might notice a difference in your world. If you run into zombies, you might notice there’s something wrong with them. That’s normal. These are Dawnified Zombies. 

Dawnified zombies are a variant that naturally spawn in your world. When killed, they drop a “Dawnified Crystal Fragment”. These fragments can be combined in a crafting table to make a “Dawnified Crystal”. These crystals can be put in a stonecutter to make manifests or combined with apples to make Dawnified apples. Speaking of which, they’re pretty useful and I should explain their use.

Dawnified apples are buffed apples that give you strength, regeneration, and resistance for 15 seconds. These apples are highly recommended for bosses so that you and your armor don’t get folded in one shot.


This addon contains 10 total bosses. 9 of which drop a broken sword which ALL OF THEM can be used for later.

They also all drop fragments used for one final manifest near the end. Make sure to hold on to all of the fragments you find.

Dawnified Deathblade The “Invincible”


  • Summoned with “Dawnified Manifest: Deathblade”

Deathblade is the brute force of the group. A skeleton filled with anger, rage, and resentment. Inflicts either on attack and has a chance to trigger a “rage mode” where he becomes invincible and does an area attack for some time.

  • Attack: 30
  • 1200 Health (600 hearts)
  • Drops Rage (Broken)
  • Is not changed for Halloween.
  • Drops “Fragment C”
  • Drops “[Broken] Ossein

Dawnified Alatar

Summoned with: “Dawnified Manifest: Alatar

Alatar is the dark magic wielding side of the original bunch. Unlike normal evokers, he’s not afraid of players and faces them head on. He acts like a normal evoker, but he has more advanced, less organized, and irrational attacks. Each attack can be recognized by each particle:

  • Dark Green: Summons Alatines to attack you.
  • Dark Red: Fireball
  • Cyan: Summons a circle of strays to shoot arrows at you.
  • Green: Wither Skeleton
  • Pink: Dragon Fireball
  • Light light blue: Vexs
  • White: Sets off a huge explosion for massive damage. RUN WHEN YOU SEE THIS.
  • 1600 Health (600 Hearts)
  • Is dressed up as Alatar from lord of the rings!
  • Drops “Fragment A”
  • Drops “[Broken] Majar

Dawnified Brawlatar

Is summoned with: “Dawnified Manifest: Brawlatar”

  • Brawlatar is the predecessor of brawneus, a rotting suit of flesh and bone. But he’s much more put together and knows how to keep his form.
  • When attacked, he has a chance to summon backup. It’s recommended to kill the backup as soon as possible so they don’t build up over the battle.
  • 600 Health (300 Hearts)
  • 20 Attack (10 Hearts)
  • Is more rotted
  • Drops “Fragment B”
  • Drops “[Broken] Brawler”.

Dawnified Eribus

Eribus is the predecessor of Limbosis. His attempt to overthrow the end was a fluke and was exiled by his creator.

  • When attacked, he has a chance of enraging and summoning three clones of himself.
  • He’s a glorified enderman.
  • 300 Health (150 Hearts)
  • 6 Attack (3 Hearts)
  • Has a pumpkin. Spooooooooky!
  • Drops “Fragment D”
  • Drops [Broken] Endbreaker

Dawnified Erian

Summoned by the "Lost Manifest: True Erian"

True erian is the oldest, yet most powerful version of The Erian Demon. He was originally created to be fought. But with the rise of The Puppetmaster he was brought back to take him out once and for all. 

…however In Martyr’s Dawn, he’s been knocked down a peg. He has been roughed up by The Martyr to show who is really in control.

Phase One

  • 400 Health (Phase One)
  • 8 Damage (Phase One)

In phase one he’ll charge at you, attacking you and uh…. Hitting you. Yeah it’s a normal fight right now.

Phase Two

  • 700 Health (Phase Two)
  • 10 Damage (Phase Two)
  • 4 Damage Per Tick (Erian Fire)
  • Drops the “[Broken] Triggerfire”
  • Drops “Fragment E”

In phase two, things get interesting.

In the introduction, he pleads with you to stop fighting the disciples. He then claims that “He” will tear you to shreds if you don’t stop. But you’re the player. You don’t. 

True Erian will start floating and chase you around to attack. Literally FACE SLAMMING INTO YOU ON ATTACK. Every Ten seconds he will summon something called ”True Erian Fire” a particle that will do four tick damage on hit.

Dawnified Roxantria

“A dice of emotions mixed with chains”

Once a stray named Roxxane, she was a companion of a redstone engineer. Who left her alone for three years in a lab. Upon return he was completely different. With him was a tall, skeletal looking defense robot. Trained to kill monsters it did what it did best. Fortunately, her soul was chosen to be reincarnated by an unknown entity. she is known as one of the strongest disciples.

  • Teleports around and shoots buffed fireballs at you.
  • Will frantically teleport around you
  • Is spawned by the Manifest of Chaos
  • She doesn’t really dig holidays.
  • Drops “[Broken] Chaos”
  • Drops “Fragment F”

Dawnfied Prismatica

“when not fought against, is your greatest ally”

Prismatica has been horribly attacked. The light has been drained from her. She also has slashes all over her body and her wings.

When fought, she crawls and attacks you.

  • Kinda like a vex! …geometry wise. She’s kinda hurt here.
  • 10 Attack (5 Hearts)
  • 300 Health (150 Hearts)
  • Drops “[Broken] Light”
  • Drops “Fragment G”

Dawnified Dubtrox

True Dubtrox is the original design of Frequex before he was a disciple. A well known DJ serving The Creator and his group by throwing insane party's.

True Dubtrox has two modes. A melee mode and a block mode.

  • In melee mode, he attacks you like any normal Minecraft mob.
  • In block mode, he’ll put his shield in front of him and if you attack him you are damaged with thorns.
  • Summoned by the "Lost Manifest: Dubtrox"
  • 650 Health
  • 6 Attack Damage (Melee Mode)
  • Slowness arrow. (Ranged Mode)
  • 12 Thorns Damage (Block Mode)
  • Drops “Fragment H”
  • Drops the “[Broken] Beatshredder”

Dawnified Puppetmaster

Dawnified Puppet Master is a corrupted version of the regular Puppetmaster from Volume II. except in this version, somethings different. He’s been roughed up by The Martyr.

When provoked, he attacks you like a normal Minecraft mob. But don’t let that fool you. This is a very powerful mob.

  • 350 Health (175 Hearts)
  • 25 Attack (12.5 Hearts)
  • Drops “Fragment I”

Nine Down, One to go.

“My Manifest: The Martyr”

When you kill all bosses from the craftable manifests, you are able to combine fragments A - I to create one big manifest. With it, you can summon the final boss of this addon.

"If you're confused while crafting put them in alphabetical order"

The Martyr

The martyr is the final boss of this addon. He is responsible for all of the damage done to the disciples. 

When all of the other bosses are killed, you can combine all of the fragments they drop into one big manifest. This manifest is used to summon “The Martyr”.

(Looks cooler in game)

When Summoned, he will arise out of the ground and taunt you.


The Martyr has four different attack states that he will periodically switch between during the fight.

  • Melee Attack
  • Ranged Attack
  • Summon Attack
  • Taunt

Melee Attack

  • 35 Attack (17.5 Hearts)
  • In his melee state, he will attack you like a normal mob.
  • Ranged Attack
  • 8 Damage (4 Hearts)
  • In this state, he will fire mini scythes at you.

Summon Attack

In this state, he will rather summon evokes fangs, or a mob called an “Accursed Valkyrie”. When summoned, this mob will do one of two things:

The Accursed Valkyrie

(May or may not be the same mob from the addon I made before this: The Accursed Valkyrie 2022 😳)

When summoned in melee mode, they will attack you like a normal Minecraft mob, simple enough. HOWEVER:

If summoned and they are doing this animation, you need to kill them immediately. If they are doing this near The Martyr, a couple things will happen:

  • The Martyr will gain invincibility until this mob is killed.
  • The player will be given Darkness until this mob is killed.

He also summons three of them at a time, so it is highly recommended to kill them first before they overpower you.



Once in a while, The Martyr will taunt you.

Death & Loot

(Looks cooler in game)

When killed, he will lower into the ground and give off one last speech. He then explodes and you are given his loot.

  • He drops his manifest so you can fight him again
  • He also drops a broken sword called “Despair”.

The Final Blade

When ALL bosses are defeated, you SHOULD have none Broken swords. When you have all of these sword you can throw them in a crafting table in no specific order.

When you do do that, you will be presented with “Martyr’s Wrath”

Martyrs Wrath

The martyrs Wrath is the final weapon you can get in this addon. When held, you will gain Resistance, Strength, Regeneration, and Speed. It’s similar to the effects of a Dawnified Apple, but doesn’t require needing to recharge.

  • The sword also pulls tendrils out of your back. And it also acts as a normal sword when held.
  • When used, the sword will fire off the same sickle projectile The Martyr fires off.


That is all of the content regarding this addon. I hope you enjoy! 😉



Release v1.0:

Release of the spinoff of Disciples of the Void, an addon where you fight scary versions of disciples from the main series.

Topic starter Posted : 25/10/2022 7:26 pm