DMV v0.5.4 - Domovenok (brownie) MCBE 1.20+
DMV - Domovenok / Brownie Addon
mcbe 1.18 - 1.20+
v0.5.4 alpha
Mod DMV - Adds 3 types of domovenok (brownies) to Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
Domovenok (Brownie) - among the Slavic peoples, a domestic spirit, a mythological master and patron of the house, ensuring the normal life of the family, fertility, health of people and animals.
A mod that adds a brownie to Minecraft Bedrock 1.18+. Brownies have several skins and are very smart mobs. They usually spawn in the player's house. Download this mod to play with brownies in Minecraft.
They spawn in player homes because they can't spawn on vanilla generated blocks like grass, dirt, sand etc.
Spawn in all overworld biomes with lighting 13-15. (During the rain too).

- You can tame brownies with any vegetarian dishes or any desserts (cookies, etc.), with a probability of 0.3.
- Wounded Brownies can be healed using all types of meat.
- Brownies follow the player with any food.
- When feeding children brownie bones - they will gradually grow, after they grow up, a bubble of experience falls from them.
- Tamed adults can be bred with all types of meat, but no more than once every ~240sec, their born baby will be tamed immediately.

● Other info:
■ DMV Mod has a translation into Russian and English.
■ In developing this Mod, great care has been taken to optimize it and minimize its weight.
■ Leave feedback in the comments, report bugs you find and offer your ideas for future updates.
■ If you liked this Addon, then share it on social networks and tell your friends about it.
■ See other Packs from in my profile.
#Sidga420 #SG420
Hope you enjoy this Texture Pack.
Have a nice game!
v0.5.4 - Optimization. Tech. Changes. Description changed. Removed redundant file.
Addon installation:
- To install this mod, you just need to download it here and after downloading open the downloaded file using Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Next, the mod is automatically imported.
- After that, you need to enable this mod in Global Resources, and also enable the Behavior Pack in the world. You don't need to enable the texture pack in the world.
- The addon is installed.